Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 15)


I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Is there a free clinic or drug rehabs in your area? Both would likely maintain a supply. You should also reach out to maker of Subutex. Surely they can help advocate with the various pharmacies. I find it strange that no one will carry it. You might also reach out to Kmart headquarters. Lastly, no one will carry the drug, then your doctor must provide something that is accessible. To refuse to do so is a violation of ADA and no doubt other laws.

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Is there a pharmacy that dispenses Subutex in Cumberland, Maryland?

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Re: Jewell (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hey! Which pharmacy was it in N.C. I live here & can't find anyone who has any in stock..

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Go to your local free clinic or drug abuse clinic. They will likely have the drug onsite.

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I know that going to different pharmacies IN PERSON is a real hassle but I know a Pharmacist that has run a Pharmacy in a large chain of drug stores and he has told me that he was informed by his Corporate ownership to ALWAYS say they cannot fill any Schedule 2 medication over the phone. WHY? Because of the high number of Pharmacy robberies. I understand they believe that robberies happen when people are working together in numbers of two or more. One person calls and asks if the Pharmacy can fill a prescription and do they have sufficient inventory on hand to fill the prescription. Then another person comes in and robs the Pharmacy. Normally, he stated, that the person calling in is a woman and the robber is a man. This is done to confuse the Pharmacy. I KNOW going to a Pharmacy in person is, for many, a big pain the ass but it is the world we live in today.

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I live in Pa My Doc is a Medical Cannibis doctor and a Addictions Specialist He takes medicaid medicare and most private insurance Companies Pa has switched to electronically sending scripts to Pharmacy I use Walgreens by the time i get back froma 20 min ride the script is filled/
You have to be proactive.When you are at Doctors ask who fills his/her scripts.A good sub Doc will know who will fill it.I am so grateful Dr danny hernandez in Allentown Pa the best Doctor for Addictions treat,emt.If I had to I would drive 3 hours to get there but 20 min works Happy Holidays I hope everyone got their meds

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Re: Lisa (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Lisa. We’re you able to find a Pharmacy?

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Re: Ladyinwv (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Rite aid has the worst cheapest generics. Worst pharmacy ever.

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Have you asked the pharmacy if they will carry other forms of Buprenorphine? Suboxone and Subutex seem to be prefered by Addiction clinics, but there are other forms of the drug. I assume as well that you need the pain reliever versus the Naloxone added to Subutex and Suboxone. Purdue makes Butrans, a seven day patch that does not contain Naloxone. Had I not had an allergic reaction to it, I would have stuck with it. There are now also extended release versions of Buprenorphine as well. Sadly, some doctors are not fully aware of the many forms this drug can take. As such, you may want to do some research which you can present to you doctor. Lastly, go to the GoodRx website and input the medication and address. It will show you where it can be found and how much it costs without insurance. I hope you can find a version and a pharmacy. If you cannot, please contact your insurance and your doctor. He/she will either force the issue with the Pharmacies or prescribe something new.

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You dont need subutex. You need suboxone. Subutex is addictive and habit forming and doesn't contain naloxone. Good luck.

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I'm currently having the same problem. It's extremely irritating. Have you found a place yet? I also live in the Tri-Cities, TN. Specifically in Kingsport, TN.

Please let me know if you can give me any information, because I'm in the exact same situation right now.

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When there was an adderall shortage years ago I would contact CVS corporate (for example) and I think it helped they could see I filled there before, but I told them the problem and the searched up to 100 miles for me.
But yeah, calling if you’ve never filled that med before they’re probably not going to tell you. They wouldn’t with adderall in 2011 anyway.

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Re: Johnny (# 291) Expand Referenced Message

I've been prescribed it previously. And yes,I have to take it because I'm allergic to the dye in Suboxone. I have a letter from my physician stating that. So if anyone has been able to fill Subutex in Northeast TN please let me know.

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Re: Dr RB (# 290) Expand Referenced Message

Actually Suboxone causes much worse withdrawal symptoms, one thing you need to understand is people that actually take it, know more than you do! I’ve quit both, and Suboxone was much worse and longer recovery from the withdrawal itself!

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90% of pharmacies carry it. 90% of pharmacies lie to you about carrying it. 90% of pharmacies refuse you the treatment that your life depends on, literally a life sustaining medicine that your recovery from addiction at this point absolutely depends on. 90% percent of pharmacies would rather let you stick a needle filled with heroin into your arm than to give you your prescribed medication that cost you $200 just for the visit. 90% of pharmacies can't read the damn English phrase on the prescription that says INTOLERANCE TO NALOXONE: CAUSES CHRONIC MIGRAINES. 100% of the previously mentioned are all big pharma pill mills that had no problem addicting an entire nation. Now these same dipshits are refusing the treatment medicine to the ones seeking help. Yes. I feel your pain. Best bet small local mom n pop places. People that have a heart and sense of community are your best chance. Bring every kinda of proof u can that shows your recovery is taken seriously....because they're cruel as s***.

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Re: Momma bear (# 294) Expand Referenced Message

Yep when I quit taking oxy after years of all day every day my withdrawals were better after the 3rd night & they were gone in a week.
Quitting suboxone was like a month of withdrawals.
It’s not worth it unless you have cravings and need it not to “use”.
If you’re taking it because you’re afraid of withdrawals you’re making it worse.

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Re: Ashd2 (# 287) Expand Referenced Message

Not yet walmart has them (been filling them there for a year) but i go to a doctor in PA and since a new pharmacist started she said she will not accept out of state prescriptions! When try to fill closer to the doctor I'm told you need to fill them at a pharmacy thats within 20miles of your address. I found a doctor local but was trying to find a pharmacy to fill a weeks worth just to hold me over till my appointment! I've been told they weren't taking new people or didn't carry it! I really just want to be off them its more of a pain than its worth!

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Re: Rosco (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, which Kroger ??

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Check out GoodRx for coupons for subutex. They cut my prescription cost in half!

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Re: Slowly withdrawing (# 245) Expand Referenced Message

There are tons of maryland pharmacies...accokeek has $4 family medical 4 reliance...north capital...Walgreens...drug hut.....cary....walkers...prestons...jessup. ect

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