Need Subutex Prescribing Doctor (Top voted first)


There are doctors listed where I live in Wichita, KS, but all of them are at their limit or no longer prescribe Subutex, I'm at my wits end and so sick! I abruptly stopped methadone maintenance because my insurance wouldn't pay for it and I ran out of money to pay.

2 Replies

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Hey mono, did you get what you needed yet? I found a wonderful DR who so sweet. Her son is in prison for opiates and since I can't afford suboxone she wrote for 60 8mg Subutex pills. Took a 60.00 cash payment and now I have my meds. I'm nervous to start them though lol msg back

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Hi. I read your post and I know it's old but I need some help...BAD! Been on methadone over ten years. Only on 30mg a day now. I having trouble finding and need a doctor terribly. I'm tired of being sick. Can you help me out? I live in Wichita also.

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