Need Pharmacy To Fill Oxy
UpdatedHELP,,,,,i went to my pain management appointment today and they post dated my scripts out 2 days. they told me they changed their policy and they no longer schedule patients every 28 days but now every 30. Unfortunately I'm out of my medication and on my scripts, it does say "do not fill til 1-14-11" at the bottom even though the scripts are dated today. I went to several pharmacies and they said they can not fill it til the 14th? my concern is now going thru withdrawl. is there any pharmacies that will overlook that small print on the bottom that says not to fill til the 14th? I am a cash pay customer and am in the tampa area. Please help....
4 Replies
Secret.... if you get ultram, aka Tramadol you will not suffer from withdrawl. This med is not hard to find from friends or call your Dr. they can call it in.
Good luck and BTW, it's not right for them to spring that on you the day of the appointment. They know your body will be suffering but the Ultram will take that away.
Nah its not ultram/tramadol, cant' take that bc i'm seizure prone and thats the one reason they couldn't put me on that medication. its oxycodone which in my mind is just as bad if not worse..ok oxycodone is way thanks anyways.
I am sorry, but there isn't really anything you or the pharmacies can do. They can get in trouble for filling a prescription for Oxycodone early, since it is a controllled substance.
However, I do have to agree with what was stated above, it isn't fair of your doctor's office to do this, without any advanced notice. Obviously, someone wasn't thinking clearly when this decision was made.
They should have, at least, given you a small prescription, to get you through a few days, until you can get the other ones filled.
Has it always been a 28 day cycle?
I wish I could help. You should switch doctors. Your current one obviousy cares nothing about you or your medical condition.
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