Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

507 Replies (26 Pages)

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I agree. My family doctor prescribes my pain medication and I see him every three months. Some doctors are not honest about why they cannot prescribe.
It is a big responsibility but if a patient follows the rules and does not abuse their prescriptions their doctor will prescribe for them.

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Not necessarily! In my experience, asking around from friends in the medical field will be better.

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Did you have a pain management doctor in Florida. The city of San Jose has shut down most of the clinics that had doctors prescribing morphine.
Most pain management clinic now insist on injections of steroids and therapy.

There is a pain management clinic in Redwood City and a doctor Date but she needs records and is very cautious. You have to sign a contract and give urine.

As for any rules in Ohio they are the worst city for opiate over doses so it would be very hard to find a doctor who will fill opiates. It has been on tv and on line.

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Re: Mari (# 489) Expand Referenced Message

Call your insurance company and ask for a list of Pain Management Doctors in your area. If you don't have insurance start calling Pain Management Doctors in your area. Ask if they accept self pay patients. You will need a copy of your medical records from your previous doctor to prove you have a medical condition that may require opiates. Be sure and have your previous doctors address, office number and fax number for a new doctor.

You need to be prepared for a new doctor to not prescribe what you have been taking at your first visit. A new doctor may or may not prescribe what you have been taking later on.

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Re: Honor (# 486) Expand Referenced Message

No doctor has to continue giving you the same medications a previous doctor did. Especially if that medication is an opiate. It is usually insurance companies and not doctors that require referrals.

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I agree in some aspects with melnorth, tramadol is more powerfull that people believe though, it also has anti depressant effects which help with pain in which other pain Meds don't, I strongly recommend tramadol over Codine in the long term based on strength and it's far less constipating

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May I ask where ? Or a name?

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If it were that easy people wouldn't be suffering , as Oregon sucks about helping people in real Pain, as there license is more important then the patient's suffering. But, it's there job as a pain management place.

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Did u find a dr???

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I first want to let you know I really feel for your situation it's just too bad you don't live in Minnesota because it is so easy to find a clinic I'll take you one day and you'll be in a clinic for the next day...

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I am in MN (Shakopee) & I have 3 autoimmune diseases that cause me daily regular Park Nicollet Dr has me on 100 mg of tramadol 2x/day, but it really does not help much anymore. I may have MS as well (MRI being done at hospital tomorrow)....who do you suggest in MN as a good clinic that is not crazy expensive? I have insurance too...

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Blessed and Chris, please keep me in the loop too as I am in Mpls and have a hard time with MAPS pain not on much for meds but they lecture me every thirty days and continue to try and reduce it. But it is now so low I am not getting any pain relief.

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I will be leaving Florida and move to MN in April. I have a townhouse in Eagan. I have had 4 back surgeries to include a fusion that did not do anything but to make my pain worse. I am really worried about finding a doctor who will continue to prescribe my current medication (MS-Contin) that I have been on for the last 12 years. If you know a doctor that I can go to please let me know. Thanks

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In mn. Any specifics will truly help. Please and thank you...

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Where are these doctors and clinics? In Mn

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CeeCee, could you PLEASE share information with me, I live in St. Paul Park, just had my 3rd lumbar surgery, and thee are not many drs willing to write! I am miserable!!

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Sara - Even before the ACA, all Schedule II meds (most pain meds) could only be prescribed at a max of one month supply. That's nothing new - one month, no refills. Been the law since 1970 when the Controlled Substance Act was enacted. So, yeah - we've had 44 yrs to get used to that particular regulation.

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Yes I'm livin in Thomas Louisiana by Franklinton Louisiana. I'm lookin 4 a gd pain management doctor. I gt chronic pain in my neck an lower back. I was seein a pain management doctor in Katy Texas while I was livin in sulphur Louisiana but I just moved 2 Thomas Louisiana. I need help bad. I was takin norco 10/325. It helps but I'm willin 2 try anything different but I can't have an I'm allergic 2 aspirin ultracet ultram naproxen an anything else that gt aspirin in it. So I need help.

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Levi-try gabapentin (neurontin). It's non narcotic and tells your brain you're in less pain. Helps with taking less or no pain pills.

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I live in the North VA area Would this doc be good for me..Just spent two hours in MRI

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