Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 25)
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I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

507 Replies (26 Pages)

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You all should be adults abput it and demand oxycontin 80 mg 120 a month boom

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Yea it definitely is a medication to be careful with just for th very reason I only take 3 in the morning three in the evening

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Boog, they still do ship with no rx. And they're still just as dangerous. Ask all the users who have had seizures from it.

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I ordered tramadol right online, not too long ago, I paid a hundred bucks for 90 of them and they ship right to your house

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A doctor wont just prescribe you methadone out of no where . You would have to be already recieving a script for chronic pain management and have a valid and reasonable excuse to request the methadone . that is a very strong med with extreme abuse risks . For example i know someone who recieves 35 mg methadone for pain management everyday . He got this from switching from 80 mg oxycontin a day . He has bern slowly building this script in strength for over 8 years . It does not just happen one day .

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In severe cronic back and neck pain. Need a dr local twin cities mn. area to prescribe narcotic pain medication oxicodone

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CeeCee, Can you let me know which doctor you are referring to? I live in Shakopee and have chronic pan from fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, & sever joint pain from celiac disease. The only thing that makes me pain free (Ive tried 9 meds) is hydrocodone or oxycodone. Just want it to be simple!

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Also jedecia, tramadol is level 4 in only a few states, and level 5 in others, so your next step isn't schedule 2; a doctor will try weaker rx's first.

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I need a dr in ny that will prescribe methodone for my pain

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May I ask where ? Or a name?

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Jedecla: you are taking more tramadol a day than is legally prescribed. Tramadol isn't as weak as people seem to think, and ten is a lot of pills. The seizure threshold is lowered when you take tramadol, and any more than eight a day increases it exponentially. That means you are much more likely to have a seizure taking that many. Be very careful taking that number of tramadol a day.

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CeeCee- I'm in the Twin Cities also, struggling with finding a compassionate and understanding doctor. Can you please share who your dr is? They are so few and far between, I'm just frustrated.

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Ceecee, could you share who you had such a great experience with please? If you would prefer, feel free to message me personally at {edited for privacy}.

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After going through the horrible "merry go round" of searching for a pain management specialist, THANK YOU GOD I found a wonderful doctor!!!!
I went through a small in-hospital clinic. I did not have to sit in a waiting room with a group of people that "looked like drug seekers" and I was treated with respect as a patient SHOULD be. The doctor is VERY experienced with pain management and actually took the time to listen to me and READ my chart with all my records. I left the clinic in shock after the first few visits. I hope my doctor does not decide to retire or there is a change in management.(Both have happened to me before) Just wanted to share some good news for once....

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I am in the same boat. I am awaiting a third back surgery and cannot get refills on meds...percoset low dose 3x a day does wonders for me. Nobody wants to give it to me. I am in Minneapolis also. I have one Dr, have not 'doctor shopped', have no other scripts, and just need this as a daily dose to manage pain. I have to go without it and then is BS. I just need a Dr that will see I am straight forward and just need that refill for a daily management.

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I live in minneapolis w/ CP....stenosis in neck/4 detiorated discs AND rods and screws in my lumbar. I tolerate a lot of pain by only taking about 10 tramadol a day. I have reached the point where I need to go to the next level which is sched II stuff. Current doctor is a chicken. Any specific doctors in MPLS who will prescribe opiates for verifiable CP? Thanks.

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Are these doctors in Arizona

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@Sammi: actually, no I'm not. I'm aware it's always been by prescription only- unless it's online. Go ahead and google "order tramadol, no prescription" and look at the hundreds of sites that offer it in the us. You may fill out a consultation form and a doctor will approve the medication- which is not a prescription. I never said it was over the counter. And it never has been a schedule 3 drug. I'm aware some states have made it schedule 4. I'm a medical student and I know a lot about this drug. You misread my comment and did not research the availability of ONLINE tramadol.

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@CeeCee: I realize this is very late, but try Dr. Constantin Starchook at HCMC/HFA interventional pain clinic. I saw him for a few years. He was great.

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@Brim: Tramadol has always been a prescription medication. It has recently been made into a schedule IV med due to it being habit-forming. You're mistaken.

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