Need Help. Don't Know If My Friend Us Abusing Methadone.
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My friend had been on methadone for about 3yrs now. Takes 150 mg dose. Before he used to get 2 weeks of take homes and since he changed clinics they only allow one week at a time. I have noticed that the day he would get his take homes from the clinic he would start acting pretty weird. For example: fast movements, flushed face, scratching his head or rubbing his face, make clicking sounds, unable to stand in one spot, constantly doing something but complaining about feeling tired. He blames it on feeling tired and not getting enough sleep. I once caught him taking a little extra methadone from one of his other doses. When I confronted him he admitted to occasionally taking a little extra sometimes to get him through his classes and by the end of his take homes he would have just a partial dose left to take. This happened a few yrs ago. I just wanted to know if any of you that take methadone experience a different affect when you take your dose at the methadone clinic? I feel like he might be adjusting his doses again. I have threatened him by telling him I would inform his counselor so he would have to get his dose on a daily basis. I don't know what to do because other days he is completely fine other than experiencing the regular side effects of methadone. My dream would be to get him off of methadone but he says he is going to take it for the rest of his life. Too many issues with this. Frustrated and concerned.

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If your friend is taking more than they are supposed to, then yes, it's likely that they have a problem. It sounds like they may be running out early and experiencing some withdrawal symptoms, then side effects, when they pick up their new supply.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

And many people do end up taking it for life, it is actually highly addictive itself, so that may be what he's struggling with.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have added a comment on google+ if you wish to read it, or maybe you have already! I'm new to blogging!!

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