Need Dr. To Prescribe Subutex-naloxone Allergy (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am seeking help. I am from the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina. I am an addict of 18 years. It is time to quit. I have friends who have left the addiction circle. They have successfully taken buprenorphine.
Here is my problem. I am severely allergic to the blocker in suboxone - naloxone. It is not an option for me. I have a dear friend who gave me her remaining subutex tablets. She tapered off and is clean and doing well now. I have been clean for 1 week which is a PHENOMENAL accomplishment for me! I am afraid of what will happen if I cannot find a doctor who will prescribe the subutex.
Please, will someone out there lead me in the direction of a Physician/MD/Doctor that will write me Subutex? I have called so many places. I have tried, and other directories. My last resort is to ask my friends on here. I will travel if I have to. I am just so afraid of falling short. Someone please help me. Thanks guys!
Hi there, I know of a doc that prescribes them in mooresville, nc area. Send me a message with a email address..
Zerochaos - Think goodness I read your post. I just moved and now live in Central Alabama. My hope of sobriety has been temporarily put out, because Suboxone gives me too many bad reactions. Hives and rashes are not the worst of it. My tongue swells and I have a very difficult time breathing. Would you please send me an email and let me know the name of a Doctor that you know will prescribe me the Subutex without any hassle? I would be so grateful if you helped me. My email address is xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}. Once again, thank you so much!!!
Me and my GF have recently had to move to AL from TN. And we don't know anyone. We have already made one trip home to get Subutex. And we can't afford to do this as often as needed. If anyone could help. I do not want to get on Methadone!!
Pleaase i am in the mooresville area and woukd love to get more info for a subutex dr in the area..i have a naloxon allergy and side effrcts from suboxone make things worse ..i have a pain dr but he wont prrscribe the subutex but offerd to refer me to a dr that would..if u could help me it would greatly appreciate it..i apologize for my grammactical texting isnt the best.hit me back if u might b able to help..thanks for ur time!
I go to tn to the doctor and they changed the law and I have been getting subutex for3 yrs and now they want to put me on suboxone! It gave me migraines and I get a rash. Frankly I just can't afford to pay for suboxone! I need a Dr number in another state other than tn. Please thank you!
What state do you live in? I am in Alabama and my doc will prescribe it because I have the same problem. I had to get my primary doc to put it in writing then my sub doc submitted that to the insurance for approval
Hey, thanks for the reply. Mooresville would be awesome. I'm not sure if it will let me post my email address. I will attempt it in this fashion. It is {edited for privacy} - after that, you know that there is an @ symbol. This is followed by my provider, which is hotmail.
Thank you so much. This means the world to me.
Editor's note: We apologize, but personal contact details are not allowed on our discussion threads.
congrats on tryin to stay sober. I dont know if you have insurance but if you do most docs will only prescribe suboxone strips which wont do you any good fro your allergies. Its probably not a good idea to call drs. and ask if they will prescribe subutex cause the general theory is you can still get high from other opiates even when your on subutex. Drs. give subutex to females who may be trying to get pregnant but if thats not an option for you to say, i think theres one more thing to try. I am self pay and male so i told my dr. how suboxone strips or tabs cost $7 to $8 and i could get subutex for $3.50 a tab, which is only half as much.Good luck to you and hope this can help you.
Here's a link to a directory that lists contact information for Doctors who prescribe Suboxone in North Carolina. These doctors should also be able to prescribe Subutex.
Please post back if you have any questions, I hope this helps!
Hi There!
I am in Atlanta. If that is not too far for you to travel, I can give you the name of TWO docs who prescribe Subutex. I take that as opposed to Suboxone because of the cost - Generic Subutex, or buprenorphine - is 1/3 the price of name-brand Suboxone. Also, I take it for chronic pain - it works better than any other opiate I've tried, and I've tried them all from Fentanyl to Oxy to Roxy to Demerol and Morphine. Anyway, hit me back if you can travel to ATL and I'll give you the names of two different doctors down here. Peace!
Please help me with the doctor in Alabama I'm in need of a doctor who will give me subutext
im under the impressionu can only get subutex if u r pregnant or allergic to reg subs, and im sure ud have to prove the allergy. im in MA and ive found some ppl out here that get the white ones which is amazing bc i cannot wait 40+ hrs to eat a suboxone. i hope u find 'em where u r leme know..
Kitten420 said-"i have a pain dr but he wont prrscribe the subutex but offerd to refer me to a dr that would..if u could help me it would greatly appreciate it.."
If your pain doctor offered to refer you to a bupe (Suboxone/Buprenorphine) doctor then why are you on here asking people on a message board where you can find a doctor???
Hey I seen ur post that u know a doctor in moorsville nc that prescribes subutex. Can u help me out with the info please?
Greatly Appreciate It
Yea i went thru hell havn to take strips an boxone was killn me..i finally got wut i prayed for..i been on subutex 14months an do n way betteer..still no pain relief..similer to subs..jus dont have that nasty srewwed me made me have awful side effects..i know sum peeps..i in ky..but my cuzn gets um in releig nc..or if you wanna come to lville ky..
Unfort the dr my pain dr refered me to only prescribes suboxone not subutex..the dr said he had patients that abused it so much he quit prescibing it..there is a clinic in the statesville area i believe will prescibe it but u do have to go everyday and go to so many meetings per week working up to take homes...unfort i cant do that with the job i have..having a dr that understands the allergy and wikk work with you are hard to find it seems..although i have not been taking anything for 6weeks or so, the "yuck"feeling from wds are still prevelent alot of time, but hopefully it will go away with time..good luck to everyone out there in thier search for
I was on subutex on for 1.5 and did wonderfully. Statesville doctors will not prescribe any but suboxen (which truly isn't working for me). please help me locate a subutex doc anywhere near iredell
Do you have that docs name? If you do that would help a lot. In Alabama
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