Need Dr. To Prescribe Subutex-naloxone Allergy (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am seeking help. I am from the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina. I am an addict of 18 years. It is time to quit. I have friends who have left the addiction circle. They have successfully taken buprenorphine.

Here is my problem. I am severely allergic to the blocker in suboxone - naloxone. It is not an option for me. I have a dear friend who gave me her remaining subutex tablets. She tapered off and is clean and doing well now. I have been clean for 1 week which is a PHENOMENAL accomplishment for me! I am afraid of what will happen if I cannot find a doctor who will prescribe the subutex.

Please, will someone out there lead me in the direction of a Physician/MD/Doctor that will write me Subutex? I have called so many places. I have tried, and other directories. My last resort is to ask my friends on here. I will travel if I have to. I am just so afraid of falling short. Someone please help me. Thanks guys!

97 Replies (5 Pages)

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Need a doctor in knox. TN. That will prescribe subutex for pain. I have been addicted to pain meds.and dont want to have that dependacy anymore. Ive tried the suboxone strips and had really bad headaches and nausea. Please HELP. Thx.

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Where at in Tennessee. Im in need of a dr bad.

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Who is ur doctor im in mobile al and need subtex on suboxone and have depression headaches and nausea constantly

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I'm moving to the area and need to find a good pain doc can u help me I would do subtext but I'm allergic to the bunepenenphrine so if u can help me with a good pain management doc that would be appreciated

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Same thing is happening to me! Live in TN, been on subutex for almost a year and now my doc is saying i have to have a doc put in writing that im allergic to suboxone! I used to pay $190 for 75 subutex, it cost me $220 for 20 of the suboxone! Thats ridiculous and not only the cost, it literally makes me feel worse!! What did u do? R u still in this situation??

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Pls tell me the doctor who will prescribe subs. Thank you

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I live in mooresville and need to find a doctor to prescribe subutex. I was on suboxne before but took me off it cuz it was making me sick so if u csn tell me a good doctor to go to that would be awesome and I have to pay out of pocket so definitely need to walk out with them

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Hey guys tennessee law will be passed by june no more subutex except for pregnant women. Ive had my note from my doc saying I can't take suboxone for allergic reactions to it but that evidently doesnt matter anymore. Mississippi is the same was way. I live right on the ms, al ,tn state lines. I will drive anywhere within reason! Kentucky Alabama Missouri boot hill Arkansas. These statescounties or towns need to be close to wrst tennessee. Like ...I'll drive 3-4 hours if I have too. Please help!

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hi i have been an addict since i was 17 i am now 22 i am looking for a subutex doctor because i am allergic to the naloxen in suboxen i live in wv and all they prescibe here is suboxen i have tried to find a subutex clinic out of state in either ohio north carolinia pa ky but everyone seems to not want to prescribe subutex i have 2 kids and its time for me to get clean ive tried cold turkey but it doesnt last i have many of friends that have gotten clean bc of subutex does anyone know of a dr i can call to get into

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Can u give the name of the dr in Mooresville would be greatly appreciated thank you

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Where do I go I'm in Lexington and take the naloxone . Plz help

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Hi, I have the same problem. What part of Alabama is your sub dr in? Im wondering so I can go there. The naloxone gets me horribly sick.

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Looking for doctor in Mooresville nc that prescribes subutex have allergy to naloxone

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I have the same problem what doctor in Alabama will prescribe subutex I've called a bunch and they say they don't use subutex

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In need of a Subutex doctor in Mooresville please would be greatly appreciated.

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Could I please have the doctors name, address and phone number as well?

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Yes there is a great doc in Salisibury NC. His name is dr russell but he doesn't put up with failed drug panels. He will kick u out with no problems. He gives no second chances.

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I am allergic to nalaxone and I really need help finding a doctor in TTN,AL, or MS I am in dire need please help

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I've been on methadone for 15years and I'm looking for a doctor in Decatur or huntsville Alabama that gives Subutex I'm allergic to one of the meds in suboxone.

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Hey I need that doctors name please in bc I usd to go to one in D.C.nd now they put law no subutext

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