Need Doc In North Charleston Sc For Xanax And Percocet
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anyone that knows of a hasstle free doctor, need my medicine with no lectures! Im off Rivers ave in nrth charleston, the closer the better.

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I'm moving to Charleston SC and need a new doc and pharmacy. Tired of all the bulls***. Would just like a quite discreet doc that would simply write me my 120 oxycodone and my 90 Xanax. I was going to Frank Bynes getting 120 Xanax, 120 20mg R's, 120 30mg R's, Soma, and 100 mcg patches but I'm the first to agree I don't need that much and I'm weaning back. In a lot of great pain and suffering. Can someone please give me some advice?

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Much has changed Mama since 2012. You will need to establish yourself with a provider before they are going to dish out drugs to you.

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I'm looking too if u find any let me know and if I do I'll let u know.

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Why is your current doctor no longer prescribing?

Do you have medical records that show the medications that have and haven't worked for you?

Learn more Percocet details here.

Learn more Xanax details here.

One big difficulty you may be running into here is if you're asking doctors to prescribe specific medications, since they are both controlled substances. Most doctors will view that as drug seeking behavior.

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