Nausea Caused By Rivaroxaban? (Top voted first)


Hi. I am a 65 year old female and I have been taking Rivaroxaban 20mg daily for 6 weeks now (because I have atrial fibrillation). Apart from feeling a little more tired than usual, I have been suffering with nausea since starting the meds. For ladies on this forum, it feels like pregnancy morning sickness, a sort of low-grade 'yukky' feeling but with no actual vomiting. I would be interested to hear whether anyone else is experiencing this symptom.

4 Replies

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Hello, Marianne! How are you?

As reported by the U.S. FDA, it is known to cause various gastro-intestinal issues as side effects. You may also experience dizziness, headache, constipation, abdominal pain and dry mouth.

Can any other women that have taken it chime in with their experiences?

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When I started on Xarelto I had extreme nausea but after some investigation I discovered that it was best to take it after dinner. I did this and within a few days the nausea was gone. Unfortunately I also have issues with joint pain in the hips groin and knee, as well as swelling (fluid retention) and itching in the legs

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Re: Esther (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking Rivaroxaban for 5 weeks following the discovery of several pulmonary embolisms in my lung after knee replacement.
I am suffering severe nausea & after accidentally missing a dose yesterday I seem to have proved that Rivaroxaban is the culprit.
I am also suffering intense pain 24/7 in my replaced knee which my consultant puts down to bleeding in the knee caused by the Rivaroxaban.
I am hoping there is an alternative as I am probably going to need blood thinning medication long term as I suffer from atrial fibrillation.

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Re: Sue (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I too am on Riveroxiban for A fib but at this point I am so tired of the side effects e.g. joint pain in hips legs and back with edema and swelling in the legs that I am looking into an ablation and hopefully getting off of this med. To be honest I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I had none of these problems before being put on this drug because of a fib.

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