Nasacort Hfa Forums
Recently active Nasacort Hfa forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Nasacort Hfa and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.When can I get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ## Nasacort HFA is only available by prescription. Have you checked with your local pharmacy to see if they carry it? It contains the active ingredient Triamcinolone, which is a steroid class medication and due to the risk of possible side effects, you do have to have your doctor's approval and a prescription to purchase it. Learn more: ## Yes, and I have called the manufacturer. They have not actually manufactured the product yet. This is what happened an number of years ago with a similar product. I do believe drug companies make more money with a water-based product. However, this time the manufacture's customer service dept. states that they are going to truly make the produce this time. Maybe available in a few months. If you know different...