Naltrexone For Pain Pill Addiction
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Hi... my husband has been addicted to pain pills off and on for the past 5 years, with things getting really out of hand the past year. Almost 2 weeks ago he went to detox and rehab. He AMA'ed out of rehab 3 days ago because he said he couldn't take it. He is willing try something to help him control his cravings. I've done some reading on Naltrexone and was wondering how well it works and if anyone knows of a doctor in the Houston area that prescribes it? Right now he needs all the help that he can get. Thank you! =)
3 Replies
Naltrexone is for little girls. You should try talking to your vet (that means an animal doctor). They have this stuff that is I think called Naltrexol. If you take one of these roll your ass into a bathtub and plan on staying there for 2-3 days, not too bad. Do not waste money on toilet paper.
I wish I could recommend pain management; I do not know enough about that sort of thing. PLEASE do not give him the Methadone!
Hi Kim,
While I don't have any personal experience with Naltrexone, there is a place called West Houston Medical Center that appears to offer Naltrexone treatment in conjunction with counseling and social support. I found the information pertaining to Naltrexone on their webpage, but it may be a good idea to contact them directly for more specific details about various services at:
West Houston Medical Center
12141 Richmond Avenue
Houston, TX 77082
Phone: (281) 558-3444
A few other related options that popped up in my search were:
The Mind & Body Clinic
1648 Richmond Avenue
Houston, Texas 77006
The Whole Health Center
7100 Regency Square Blvd., Suite 272
Houston, TX 77036
Phone consultations: (713) 840-9355
Houston Northwest Medical Center
710 Cypress Creek Parkway
Houston, TX 77090
Phone: 281-440-1000
These may be worth checking out as well. I hope this helps!
Hi, I was hooked on pills and opiates for 5 years. Heavy user. Tried to quit many times. Plus two state run detox. Failed them all. I know everyone gets really sick. But I get extra sick. Two words. Coleman Institute. Saves my life. Detox was a cake walk. The detox is over in 3 days then they put a naltrexson implant in you so u can't use. I had zero cravings. Look it up. You will save his life. Need more help. Just ask.
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