Naftin Forums
Recently active Naftin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Naftin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have tubes of Naftin and Econazole nitrate cream that have an expiration date of 9/11 and 11/11 on the crimp edge. Are they still good for treating athlete's foot between toes and for nail fungus on toes? ## Since they expired over a year ago, it's doubtful that they will be effective at treating anything now. All medications start to lose effectiveness over time and when it comes to a cream or liquid, they degrade even faster than tablets or other formulations. Learn more Naftin details here. Learn more Econazole details here. Thus, it would be best to get new tubes of them. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Can you use an anti-fungal liquid for nails after the expiration date (which is 3/17)? ## Can you use Fungicure after expiration?