Norco Color Change To White Watson/activus
UpdatedI have been using Norco 10/325 for 5+ years. The last prescription arrived with a color change. (From yellow to white) The difference is life changing. After 30 minutes, I become sleepy, the exact opposite of the yellow tablets which gave me energy along with reduction in pain. I have had both hips replaced, resulting in severe back pain. The Norco has allowed me to live normally for 6 hours a day.
Is there any way or anywhere that I could get the original yellow tablets?
3 Replies
No, the yellow ones are no longer being manufactured. The company removed the dye from them, due to issues with people being allergic to it, or suffering from sensitivities, which has resulted in the appearance of the white ones that are now on the market.
Learn more Norco details here.
The new side effect of sleepiness that you're experiencing should eventually taper off, as your body gets use to the new tablets.
If it doesn't, or if it worsens than you should talk to your doctor, they may need to write your prescription for the name brand or have you try a different medication.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I think I need to go to a higher court. Watson's Customer Service was totally indifferent to my call, despite the fact that countless law suits have been brought and won when products change to the detriment of the customer. The answer I received from Verwon is contradictory. First, I have always purchased NORCO and paid the price for what I have been told is "brand name". "Getting used to the new tablets" indicates that there has been a change in the medication. The color has nothing to do with it.. What is the best next step?
My norco m 365 upon refill now is made by Activis. I was told they are made so they can't be crushed as they are time released. Is this true? Someone posted they were having severe withdrawl and the pill doesn't work as well.
This morning is the 1st time I took this pill manufactured by Acavis and I feel really tired other brand actually gave me energy???
My new pill is white with pink spots and says Watson on one side and 3202 on the other. As you can tell I am confused.
Is this the last of the batches made by Watson or IS this the Activis as it will come in the future .
I take 1-2 depending every 6-8 hours for my back and that's why I'm also asking about the time release issue. I also read the change was to prevent people crushing and abusing this pill.
Sorry for so many questions however I want to understand what I'm taking and know the difference in the new pill.
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