New Pain Killer Opana (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I was just prescribed this medicine and do not feel very comfortable taking it. I would like to know if any one has tried this drug and how did it work. I was previously on oxycontin and the Dr. just changed me to this. Also i am allergic to mophine, alot of people have told me including the doctors that i work for that i should not take this due to my allergy. I have not filled the prescription and the Dr. that prescribed it has not called me back yet. Please give me any answers from anyone

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I have been on many different pain meds in the last ten years and by far methadone is the worst to have to withdrawl from. My question is I am on 40mg of Opana twice a day, 10mg percocet up to 6 a day and 4mg Dilaudid up to 6 a day. I had a procedure done about a month ago and I was in a lot of pain so the Dr. said for me to dubble up on my Opana for a few days or so, so I did, but now I am short on my Opana because my insurance won't let me fill it four days early. So if I have my percocet and dilaudid will I go through major withdrawls?

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Just wanted to see if I ever got ananswer about exalgo . I would like to start a chat on it.

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Coloradocitzen I am just floored that you couldn't figure out that if you only saw the dr once a month that you took years to figure out that the scripts he wrote for you were to last for the whole month until you saw him again for a rescript.
did you NOT read or understand the pain contract that you most surely had to sign, stating that meds would only be given once a month and if you took them all beofre the month was up that well 1 you are SOL and 2 you have broken the contract by taking more then what was told to you to take daily in effect causeing you to run out of the meds.And if there is or was no pain contract, I am from Colorado also, who and where is your dr ? I don't like the one I have now.Because of he's asst mistake I have been without anything for 5 days now until tomorrow if Ieven get any then cause of he's medical asst and her not understanding what i had said about break through pain meds and the amount taken.
Myself with the Opana Er use, I take 40 mg a day,twice a day and have had very good pain relief with it,still have the nastey break through pain though by the afternoon, and this cooler weather makes it worse.

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I have been opana 10mg and norcos 10 mg and I do not to take the opana anymore and which rather take the norcos for break through pain instead as needed. How do I safely come off the opana? I have been taking it for 2 months and I want off of it!! Doctor is not getting back to me. Can I do it alone or ween myself off somehow? Please help! I want to stop taking it as soon as possible but heard withdrawals are bad.

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would like to know if anyone else has had this result. I had a couple of oc's took one and the other next day both days i could hardly move. my body does not get this way with the op's has anybody else had this problem. need to know

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my precious 20 year old son was given a 40mg. opana by a friend (supposed) and died

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I am so sorry for the loss of your cousin, my 20 year old son died from one of these pills given to him by a friend. I doubt he had any clue he would die from this. There is all together to much pain medicine given out in this country to people who truly do not need it. To think that a 20 year old could get his hands on this murder pill is unbelievable to me.

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I have been on opana 40s for about 6months plus perc 10s and soma 350 and my pain lvl is a 10 but u can shave them up and u feel it faster I have had good results with this combo I take cymbalta 2 because on top of the 2 neck surgeries I have had I have fibromyalgia u can take the ers with the irs and it works 2

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Are these meds available in Canada? Here they were called Numorphan .They are discontinued as Leritine,Levo'dromoran, and Qualudes were a while back.

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Is this in Canada?

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i been taking Opana for 1yr avoid withdrawls in between script filling< can I take morphine? I was wondering if that would keep the throwing up and craping from happening. will it????

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what minerials do u take? I am very interested. Please email me

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I was prescribed opana ER 40mg and it did not work as well as oxycotin. So I went back to oxy. and asked my Dr. to put me on opana IR 10mg. It is the most addictive drug I have ever been on. I am an addict and I love/hate this drug. I ran out of the opana and had the 2 worst days and nights of my life. I am trying extremely hard to get off this drug and it has proven so far to be next to impossible. If you are fortunate enough to have never tried opana IR do yourself a favor and stay as far away from it as you can.

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I have been taking 4 - 80 m.g. Oxycontin, and 4- 5 m.g. Tylox, a day for several years. I was injured in a car accident 15 years ago. I had been denied narcotics at first. Finally I had an M.R.I. which showed several disc injuries, all of which cannot be repaired by surgury. I saw a surgeon, who told me that my injuries were so severe, he told me he, nor any other surgeon wouldn't touch me surgically w/ a ten foot pole. I was told by another surgeon that the likelyhood of me being paralyzed was too great of a risk. I am asking, if anyone that knows if Opana would be a benefit to me, as the Oxycontin 80 m.g.- 4 times a day is not taking the pain away. At a 0-10 pain scale, I am currently at a 7-8 most days. And my Dr. will not increase my Oxycontin. And I do not want to take such big doses that nothing in the future will help. I would appreciate any help, with a knowledgable person. Negative comments, DO NOT APPLY.

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The only time anyone I've ever known to have withdrawals from suboxone is when they still have a pain med in their system. Your suppose to wait until you are going through mild to moderate withdrawals from pain meds to take it. Theres a chemical in pain meds that stick to the brain receptors the same way the stuff in suboxone does. If you haven't given the stuff in the pain meds time to detach from the receptors(therefore,going through withdrawal), the stuff in suboxone tries to fight the pain meds off,thus making withdrawals 10 times worse. If taken correctly suboxone is a life saver

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If you wanna get rid of them, i will "donate" money. i am prescribed and run out every month. please help! email me for my number please! i end up short at the end of every month. PLEASE HELP!. I am real! i dont wanna give my number for safety reasons [email protected] [1]

[1] Editor's Note: For privacy reasons we do not allow individuals to share personal contact information on our discussion theads (except in some rare cases).

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As with all drugs, you will find them on the streets. Opana is no different. They can bring in a ton of money in a very short period of time. Opana is being sought by more and more people because it does not show up on a normal 5 panal drug test. I believe the drug should be banned immediately.

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ops highest is a 40! but twice a day would be 80 mg? and it is wayyyyy stronger than that 200 mg u were taking!

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they are very bad bro and i wish you the best bc i myself im trying to kick the habbit! ive be on opanas for 17 months though..... wow! GL to you!

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