Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Hey all. I’ve been reading this several year old thread & my heart goes out to all of you who genuinely suffer from chronic pain. I cannot imagine your frustrations having to deal with your illnesses on top of not finding a way to fill your prescriptions to ease the symptoms. Having said all that, everyone who said that the Dr who is being investigated is blacklisted & pharmacies will no longer fill his prescriptions, most likely that is true. I am not from your area but as a former pharmacy tech & former addict I have not only gone to drs like him but have handled many prescriptions from patients who were seen by drs like him. He obviously had (has) a lot of patients who he was prescribing pain meds too. Whether legitimately or not, that raises a red flag right there. I use to see a dr who saw regular patients as well as chronic pain patients. In a short period of time, he went from having 1 practice in DC to opening another in northern Va. Word of mouth traveled fast & from the first time I visited him & seeing only a couple people in the waiting room, over a few months it got to the point where there would be a line running outside his office, past the neighboring offices, & down the street! He even hired someone to run the door to make sure no one could just walk in. People would turn up @ 3 & 4 in the morning to start getting in line to see him. It was shocking & extremely disturbing.

Of course, he eventually was raided by the DEA & I believe he lost his license. That is an extreme story but another more recent one that sounds so similar to what many of you have been dealing with in your area happened a few years ago regarding a long time local dr. He had been under investigation for a number of years before the DEA went after him & I believe they actually had acquired one of his chronic pain patients to become an informant for them. I think 9 out of 10 times he was prescribing legitimate pain meds for legitimate patients, however, it was the quantity of meds & the amounts in which he was writing prescriptions that made him become suspect. So now, though he was able to keep his medical license, he can no longer prescribe pain meds. My point in sharing that is that if the dr many of you are inquiring about doesn’t lose or hasn’t lost his license altogether, he most definitely will not be allowed to prescribe controlled substances again. Since all the pharmacies are refusing to fill scripts from him & have been, they most likely have been alerted that he is under investigation. In any other situation, if a person went to a pharmacy with a number of different controlled medications & the pharmacist was suspicious, they wouldn’t outright refuse to fill but rather would tell you they had to call your dr first to make sure everything was legit.

Some of the meds that several of you mentioned (mainly the person who is on Subutex & Xanax I believe) I am actually surprised a dr would prescribe you both of those @ the same time as benzos can have a dangerous interaction with buprenorphine. Note to that poster~ it makes sense the de wouldn’t give you another controlled substance with Subutex as Subutex is a partial agonist while regular pain meds are full agonists. Taking both types would more than likely put a person in precipitated withdrawal. FYI, if anyone has tried Suboxone/Subutex for pain & can no longer get it since it is prescribed for addicts normally, there is a new version of Buprenorphine called Butrans that comes as a patch & is prescribed solely for around-the-clock pain. A few more things really quickly; going to more than 1 dr isn’t a crime (as someone said) but dr shopping is a huge deal which is why the Prescription Monitoring System was developed for the most part. From 15 years ago to when that was not a thing pharmacists looked @ regularly to today, it is used often by most pharmacies (& drs as they can pull up your profile & find out any & all meds you’ve gotten wherever, usually looking @ the last year, so don’t lie to them about what you take & who else you may see!). The best bet for the people who are having a difficult time filling their scripts is for 1, stop going to the one dr most of you have been seeing, altogether. If you guys read each other’s posts it will become clear that the problems are the same for all of you-can’t get a pharmacy to fill the man’s scripts.

Secondly, small owned pharmacies & specialty pharmacies are your best bet. All the chain pharmacies not only can & do use prescription monitoring consistently but they all have easy access to view their specific counterparts files (for instance, I worked @ a CVS. I could search a name on the computer & in seconds pull up every other CVS in the country that you have ever had a prescription filled @. Also, they know the people who come in regularly for their pain meds. Many times the behavior of a chronic pain patient & that of an addict tend to be the same in regards to how they act when trying to obtain their meds. So judgments are often placed on customers bc of that, many who have real problems with pain, & I have seen numerous staff members act hostile towards them & sometimes bc they don’t want to even deal with them, they will tell them they can’t fill their scripts. It’s wrong & unethical but it does happen so just be aware. Lastly, it might be worth asking your dr (or once you find one) if they have a specific pharmacy they have their patients use or suggest for them to use bc a lot of times, specialty pharmacies work with the same drs regularly bc the drs either have numerous patients that take the same meds &/or are prescribed large amounts legitimately & they know their patients have difficulty finding pharmacies that carry the quantity they need & aren’t over-priced. So they will recommend a certain pharmacy that will fill the majority of their patients’ prescriptions with no hassle. It brings a lot of business to these small named & not well-known pharmacies plus often since they are specialty pharmacies, they normally don’t fill regular prescriptions. Also, there is a way to look up that dr online & see if he is still practicing. Not sure the exact name of the site but if you search, you will find it. Best of luck to all of you & I’m praying that there will be a resolution for all of you dealing with insurmountable pain so that in some ways your suffering can be alleviated even just a little bit??

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Re: Carlie C (# 208) Expand Referenced Message

Hey pal, I never heard of this doc, and for what it's worth I feel bad for his patients who now have to find a PM doctor asap. He didn't ask me for anything. I wear a robe after I shower, and simply being realistic. That's a volatile mix of meds period. I've been in pm long enough to know that. I don't judge, but I give my opinion on something I know a little about.. Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg? Really dude?

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Re: Joan (# 219) Expand Referenced Message

Bynes was indicted on 39 federal accounts of over prescribing and Medicaid fraud

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Dr. Bynes office was shut down today and he was taken in. IDK why people keep talking about filling partial prescriptions because once you fill some prescriptions and not the others the ones you didn't fill will be invalid anywhere so they will be useless

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Well if you consider rational free thinking consumers concerned about the ultimate diversion of these insane amount of cds he routinely prescribed, count me in as one of those civilian DEA agents. Proud to protect those who are functionally incapable of protecting themselves from those who would profit from the disabled. Drug addiction is a disease so those who would encourage or facilitate that disease to progress that make them a BIG TIME ENABLER. Should you profit from that, makes you a criminal just like Dr. F. Bynes, M.D..... FACT!

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Talldi, you cannot be prosecuted for going to different pharmacies. You can be prosecuted for Doctor Shopping. Doctor Shopping is going to more than one doctor for the sole purpose of obtaining Schedule II prescription(s).

Nothing comes up on the internet, until a prescription is filled. When a Schedule II prescription is filled the pharmacist has to report it to the State's Prescription Monitoring Program. Other prescriptions may also have to be reported, depending on the state.

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when you type his name in the Google search engine it comes up permanently closed bc thats the old Curtis Cooper clinic that has been shut down for a few years now. he's has multiple offices since then. the information aboit him getting shut down on the 20th of this month is also correct. there is not a sign on the door or anything that says closed but they (the DEA) came in 7 cars deep 20 agents, badges showing & guns drawn! the confiscated cash money & patient files. I seen it 1st person! but don't know any other details then that. As soon as i find out anything else I'll be glad to let y'all know!

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Dr. frank bynes jr was shut down and files were taken by the dea. He also if some did not know was a former dea agent himself and a good friend of mine close to dr. bynes told me that he would be reopening one day this week. All his files were correctly documented and he did U/A's every 3 months and random drug panels. They are making him pay a ton of money to become a pain management clinic instead of a health clinic since he writes large amounts of narcotics.

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Re: Tammy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I've been reading your posts about pharmacies not filling Rx's for controlled drugs. The problem you are having is because no one can force a pharmacist to fill a Rx regardless of what the drug is or who the doctor is. They have a license just like doctors and nurses do. If they fill a script. and that person dies they can be sued or lose their license or both. So no one can force them. I know this won't help get your meds but at least you won't waste time if they refuse. I just read an article that says starting in Feb. CVS will start filling Rx's for opioids the way they think best instead of how the Rx is written. They will limit daily doses and length of Rx regardless of how doctor writes them. It's only going to get worse and I'm a chronic pain sufferer like you. I wish you good luck.

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Re: Big mike (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Click the link in post #101 and you'll see that the information comes directly from the Georgia medical board website. Dr. Bynes no longer has a medical license in GA.

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Re: Big mike (# 106) Expand Referenced Message

You may have got your meds filled because the pharmacist is unaware of what has happened (or you could be full of s***), but click the link, click on "view orders", and read the document wherein Dr. Bynes agrees to surrender his license. Take note of the date and Dr. Bynes's signature.

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Re: Big mike (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Non controlleds are being filled thats it my pharmacy would not fill my pain meds from him said he no longer has a valid license

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Re: CardiB (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

Dr bynes is not opening back up his license 2 practice in Ga are gone I talked with the owner of the clinic he was practicing at she also stated he was being made 2 stop practicing

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Re: unknown (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Agree. Find someone that practices safely. Narcotics like this are killing people daily.

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Re: cardiB (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

Yes a female owns it and she will be opening back up just not with bynes it will be a new dr for all u die hard bynes patients like I said I saw him for 5yrs and its because he would write whatever u asked for is the reason all of us patients are having to scramble 2 find new dr

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Re: Tammy (# 122) Expand Referenced Message

I was never kicked out of his office and always passed my drug panels. My appointment was the day after he got shut down and obviously u have never been 2 his office and saw the people nodding because they were high on something already so yeah he saw a bunch of junkies. I saw that man for 5yrs and was very close 2 him so good luck on ur Dr finding endeavor. I found 1 the same day he got shut down. He was my primary care dr., not my pain management dr... Get ur facts straight before u come 4 me.

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Re: Graham35 (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

It's funny you're talking about Dr Bynes junkies bc I GUARANTEE I know what Dr/psychiatrist your talking about. Near Macon Ga. Dr.S!?! The DMV set up a campaign in his parking lot about ppl driving under the influence. FULL of junkies & ppl that need their meds as well!

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Graham35 (# 143) -

The internet is so full of mistaken info that I hate to post more. I usually only say what I've been told first hand by a verifiable source, but in this case I can't confirm this because it's "third hand" and the person who told me is often wrong: That being said if somebody was there, they can verify it.

I was told by someone who "knew" someone that the DEA sent a perfectly healthy undercover agent into his office as a "new patient" Apparently this agent convinced Dr. Bynes to write them a prescription for pain killers, then the DEA arrested him on the spot. He was given the choice of surrendering his license or going to jail.

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Re: Max (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

So who is right, Max or Graham?

My vote is on Max. It's about time that pill pusher is gone, and can't hurt anyone by getting them addicted to opiates.

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Re: Tammy (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

So many of y'all in denial about bynes he is done he is not coming back and from my understanding from someone else who was also there that day they made all the patients leave so how do u know what happened later his license are gone and most likely will never get another license in Ga he has 2 go back to school for pain management because that was not his specialty

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