Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 12)


I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: Joan (# 219) Expand Referenced Message

Bynes was indicted on 39 federal accounts of over prescribing and Medicaid fraud

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From what I've heard, Dr Bynes was busted and went to jail. his prescriptions are now as worthless as used toilet paper. We have not been able to find a new doctor.

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Re: Chronic pain sufferer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Bedingfield in Pembroke.

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Re: Mike (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

What does "watch for civilian agents" mean? What are people supposed to do if they think they see one?

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First, never "stip out" any workers comp case. Attorney's press for this so they can collect their percentage and move on. Water under the bridge. Pharmacies are funny now especially with Fentynol patches with an additional narcotic. I had a neurosurgeon who got banned from CVS. I ended up having my primary care doctor prescribe via Walgreens, & its workers comp injury. They continue to pay for my medication as I fell victim to malpractice, during 1 of 2 spinal fusions & I am NOT suing any of the neurosurgeons. They'd rather pay for pain meds than a third surgery. You have to keep trying other pharmacies or drop one of the meds. I would also try filing a complaint with CORPORATE of the drug store denying you meds. I wish you all the best with your situation.

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Bedingfields in Pembroke would fill those if you were female that put out. I have taken 1 girl there and she told me about the encounters, and another that was a friend of my daughter told me the same thing about Dr. Bynes and Nelson Bedingfield. A third one confirmed the same. The one I saw most often sold most of her scripts and made pretty good money. I asked why would they prescribe you Fentanyl? She said for ghost pains of her single mastectomy. Having my breast cancer reoccur, I asked my oncologist would he prescribe me Fentanyl, NO WAY. I said I didn't think so, ghost pains come with loss of a limb or digits. He said if cancer was ending your life he would give morphine to be administered by a caretaker as needed. So no reason Dr. gave that prescription to any of the 3 patients of Bynes, I asked about it.

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Re: unknown (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Ir try just filling a couple here a couple there instead of all at one place sometimes you freak these pharmacies out with that many controlled at once. Also I would ask your doctor what pharmacies honor his scripts or other patients you see in the office.

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Re: Savannahlocal (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Huh? I couldn't understand any of that post!

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You need to prioritize the scripts because now a days that many opiate scripts with xanax won't get filled by most pharmacies. Maybe if you just fill a couple then try to fill one or two more a day or so later. If you call this doctor's office and they can't tell you where you call fill his scripts then he's scamming all of you. Obviously he had a issue that caused them not to fill his scripts and he definitely knows about it! He should at the very last tell his patients this before they leave his office with scripts in hand.

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Re: Chronic pain sufferer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Call your insurance company and find out why?

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Re: Prescriberbeware (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Well if you are to dumb to see what is going on here that your bad . The way he writes is to let everyone make some $ not just the family that owns Perdue Phram, Doctors offices, Pharmacies, Etc. and like you said who is left to pick up the pieces? Your local Methadone clinic.

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I mean that's a lot, idk how you can still breathe. If it’s that bad too go to the clinic until you can figure it out..Find a new pain management dr. Make sure he’s got good ratings and will give you pain meds. And not just some vicodin.. Have you ever been on opana? Er or xr? They are way better for chronic pain than roxicodone. If anything they are a joke to me. I think extended release medications are the way to go and then maybe get you something for your breakthrough. Cause NO one will fill all that. Sorry. I have enough trouble getting subutex, klonopin, adderall, and lyrica. It’s bad and it’s getting better. I hope you get better.

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