Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 10)
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I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Hmmmm...... Sounds like your friend should just say no!!! If your friend told the doctor that it seems like your giving me too much, well then your friend didn't have to take all of it!!! Im sure ur friend is a big boy/girl so they didn't have to fill and take all the pain pills!!! Stop blaming doctors only.... The patient is responsible also!!! Basically tell ur friend to stop taking drugs and stop blaming everyone else because they are what is called an addict!!!

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He's prescribing narcotics barbs and amphitimines to s married couple and son in law ALL in the same house and he thinks they take them he should be shut down pill mill

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I thought you stated that you have medicaid? Can you find a doctor who accepts medicaid that would be the cheapest option!!!

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I hate to say this but this Dr is "blacklisted" at most if not all the pharmacy's in SE Ga. I think your best bet would be to find an independently owned pharmacy and try there. Even better contact the Dr's office and explain what is going on and ask if they know what pharmacy his patients are using. It really sucks that Dr's can still write RXs that are nearly impossible to fill. I wish you all the best of luck. They have to be getting filled somewhere, hopefully his office can help steer you in the right direction.

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Please help you said you know some that will fill? My wife has ran out yesterday and I hate seeing her like this.

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Please tell me you know a pharmacy that will fill for bynes I can't find any pharmacy that will fill I've never had this problem I was with nelson and got kicked out because I called around to find a doctor that takes insurance I couldn't afford his visit plus filling

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Do you know a pharmacy that fills for Dr bbuns? I have been hunting all over for weeks with no luck

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Mike I would love to know what pharmacys you are talking about in your recent post.. I've used the same pharmacy for over 8 years and now every time I go they have already filled for everyone else and have capped out... please help.. I do have insurance but even if I have to pay cash price I will!! Anything at this point! I've ran out of options.. please help.

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Hi, sorry to hear about your problems filling your medicines. I know the feeling of being in pain while the pharmacies tell you what they will and won't fill. It is pure torture. I do know of a couple outstanding pharmacies where im from, with helpful outstanding staff. If you are still needing any help don't hesitate to write me back. {edited for privacy}.

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Talldi, you cannot be prosecuted for going to different pharmacies. You can be prosecuted for Doctor Shopping. Doctor Shopping is going to more than one doctor for the sole purpose of obtaining Schedule II prescription(s).

Nothing comes up on the internet, until a prescription is filled. When a Schedule II prescription is filled the pharmacist has to report it to the State's Prescription Monitoring Program. Other prescriptions may also have to be reported, depending on the state.

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have you had any luck? My husband is in the same situation now. This is exhausting and I am o it of ideas and locations.

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Has anyone found a pharmacy to fill Dr. Bynes prescriptions?

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I've been in pain management in South Florida for 5 yrs. I got Percocets 10/325 #90 mth + Diladuds 4 mg #150 mth. + Fentanyl patches 100 ml every 72 hrs + Lyricas #60 225 Mgs. I moved to South Georgia 1 yr ago. What agony. Having my records faxed over and me with them in hand and it was hell. It took 2 mths to finally see and get my pain meds. But I will say this. I never saw so many people abuse pain medicine like I did here in Georgia. Especially at this office. She's an excellent Doctor. I truly believe she wants to believe everything everybody says. But some are just hooked on them pills. It's sad. My doctor, I came in one visit in so much pain she switched my meds up and added to my meds some freaking Morphine!!! I called her back via urgent phone call and notified her I was gonna kill myself if I kept taking them. She instructed me not to take anymore and go see her immediately and take the bottle in. I did. And I'm alive. Long story short, there are still doctors that do care and give you what you need. Legally.

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I need help filling an oxycodone prescription for Dr. Bynes in Georgia. I have degenerative disc disease and had back surgery. I also have bone on bone contact within my knees due to no cartilage and I need a knee replacement.

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Any luck on a pharmacy filling the prescriptions?I do also need to find one.

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Jon Dr Nunes is in garden city at a place called lab diagnostics, hope that helps, still couldn't get my scripts filled. Do you have a place to fill?

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No offense intended but "Good" doctors in their proper faculties could never fathom prescribing the controls this legalized drug pusher routinely does.As a chronic pain patient working in the medical field for many years I have never encountered a responsible prescriber that would ever consider prescribing the combination of controlled dangerous substances that he routinely prescribes. NO LEGIT PHARMACY ANYWHERE WILL FILL ANY SCRIPT FOR HIM. I have witnessed far to many unintentional overdose complications by legit. chronic pain patients to even consider him a medical professional. Not to mention the unmitigated hell of
Withdrawal and detoxification following cessation of opioid drug therapy. Anyone that visits his practice be prepared to be disappointed if prescribed a CDS. Please find a competent pain management specialist that treats patients with a variety of appropriate medications tailored for modern day pain control protocol's. Best Wishes to you all......

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I'm thinking if I was paying a doctor good money to be diagnosed and write my prescriptions and then I can't feel them anywhere, he's the one I'd be calling and asking because basically he just screwed you for your co-pays or your cash payments which aren't cheap and then you can't fill the prescriptions he wrote. So I would be calling him to find out how to fill those prescriptions and if he can't tell you that he should refund you money that you paid him since you can't truly be treated by him because you can't feel the pain prescriptions period I will get through all of this and more trust me it it's no fun I know. But what he's writing the combination of medications that I've seen on here nobody's going to fill all that not together. My suggestion is find another doctor and quick. No they're not going to write you the amount a medication and the different kinds that he's been writing but they will write you what you need to truly get out of pain or at least get relief. Unfortunately for me there's not enough pain medication out there to get me out of pain so I have to get by on what my daughter gives me which is still more than the average person could even take in a day. But the fault he relies on Dr. Bynes . If he's going to write a prescription and charge you for doing so, then he damn well should be able to tell you where you can fill it!

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Tammy, unfortunately Dr Bynes is Red Flagged EVERYWHERE in Savannah and in other cities and States as well as being under investigation. I know this for a fact! I went about 2 hrs away to try and get my meds filled and everything was going perfect until they put the Drs name in. Pharmacist came out and told me that once he put in the drs name the computer wouldnt take him. He tried to over ride it and he couldnt. I know he's a Great Dr. but he does prescribe too much narcotics to patients. If he would lower the amount then maybe pharmacies would consider filling for him. But as bad as I hate to say it i don't think there will be any luck getting his scripts filled any time soon.

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MB I pay 175.00 , I get treated well. No pill mill. Dr u/a 2-4 x year. He referred me to PT, then after 2months,gave me a deadline to get started, I was going through insurance changes, that's y it took a lil longer to get in, yes I'm glad. He pushed me to go.

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