Myrbetriq Forums
Recently active Myrbetriq forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Myrbetriq and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been on Myrbetric for about 6 months and for a while it works really well and then it lessens and does not work as well then it seems to come back again. Not sure why it does not work consistently and wondering if anyone else has had this experience? ## Some of it can really depend on your own body chemistry, our hormones tend to fluctuate throughout the month, so at any given time, it is conceivable that this could affect how well any given medication works. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, and urinary retention. However, there is also a chance that it isn't the right medication to help you, so you may need to consult your doctor about trying a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Than...
5 REPLIES UpdatedJust starting out on Myrbetriq and was wondering when is the best time of the day to take this medicine?? ## Hello, Chuck! How are you? There is no real best time of day to take it, it really depends on you and how your body reacts to it. Some people may experience a lot of dizziness and drowsiness, as listed among the side effects provided by the FDA, so some people do better taking it at night, before bed, so the worst have worn off by morning. Other side effects may also include nausea, blurred vision and dry mouth. What instructions did your doctor provide? ## My doctor has prescribed hydrochlorot (fluid pill) that I take in the morning. Myrbetriq has been described bladder control. Is this normal? If so, when should I take the myrbetriq? ## Taking it 2 days can't sleep. Is this...
8 REPLIES UpdatedI started to take Myrbetriq 5 days ago and I am having severe fatigue. Just wondering if anyone else has felt the same way? Thanks. ## I have an elderly mom and she is battling cancer. Her side effects were not fatigue, but exhausted and super weak. Nausea too, but worst of all, severe memory loss in two months. I am taking her off immediately as her brain was perfect. She fought cancer for nine years and this medicine was a bad choice for her as it didn't help her bladder at all. ## I started to take Myrbetriq a little over six weeks ago. I'm a little thick and it took me awhile, but I finally figured out that it was causing my extreme fatigue and sleepiness. The reason I was confused is that I had been having a lot of trouble sleeping so my PCP prescribed Remeron. Since I star...
9 REPLIES UpdatedI have been on 50mg of myrbetriq for 4 days without any long does this medication take to start working? ## Hello, Mickey! How are you? While it should start to have some effect within the first few days of taking it, it can take 4 to 5 weeks for it to reach its full level of efficacy in the body, for you to know if it is going to work for you, nor not. Have you experienced any of its typical side effects, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision and headache? ## Thank you for your answer. Thankfully I have not had any reaction to the Myrbetriq. I did call my doctor today and I was taking it before bed, he told me to start taking it in the morning and that it may work better. Thank you again ## I took it just one night and I had insomnia d...
3 REPLIES UpdatedI started taking Myrbetriq 4 months ago. About 2 months ago I became very dizzy and was diagnosed with Vertigo. I am now in therapy for it, but nothing is really helping it. I am concerned it is a side effect. Otherwise this med is fabulous. Has anyone else suffered from this or did this just happen to me? ## Yes, that can be a side effect of this medication, though for it to be that severe and cause vertigo isn't very common. But most medications that are used to treat overactive bladder can cause dizziness and vertigo. It would also explain why therapy isn't helping the situation. I had that happen with a medication myself last year and it was quite miserable for awhile, until I finally connected it to the medication I had been taking and stopped. Have you tried exercises and ...
35 REPLIES UpdatedI went uro doc for a follow up because I have frequent utis and urgency to urinate and actually I felt ok. She started me on myrbetriq and guess what, my urgency started again. Also, I have read it can cause utis and one of my main complaints is chronic utis. The side effects of this medicine can cause you have the problems this medicine is suppose to remedy. Explain that. ## Hi Kathy, There are lots of prescription drugs that cause the same problems as the ones they are supposed to treat. It's pretty ridiculous! Have you ever tried any natural/homeopathic remedies? I've heard that coconut milk, coconut water, and cranberry juice can be really effective. I deal with a condition called interstitial cystitis which causes an urgency to urinate and all sorts of wonderful related iss...
3 REPLIES UpdatedI was prescribed Myrbetriq for a spasmatic bladder, but it is not working and I stopped taking it. The pharmacist says it does not work when taking Phenobarbital and it is a waste of time. Does anyone else take these two drugs? ## There are no interactions listed, but there is no way to know how something may, or may not work, once it's outside of controlled studies and out in real world use. The typical side effects that the FDA lists may include nausea, dizziness, headache, urinary retention, and blurred vision. How long were you taking it? Have you tried any other medications? ## I ONLY TOOK IT FOR 3 WEEKS AND IT DID NOTHING. STILL WENT TO BATHROOM ABOUT 5 TIMES AT NIGHT. I TRIED ANOTHER PILL SEVERAL YEARS AGO AND IT HAD THE SAME EFFECT. ## Hi No side effects but Pharmacist said ...
5 REPLIES UpdatedHas anyone experienced back and neck spasm while taking myrbetriq? I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg for several years after bladder spasms start post hysterectomy. The Wellbutrin XL causes increased muscle tension, but tolerable as long as I do not increase the dosage. However, since starting the Myrbetriq, I am having increased neck and back spasms which is not responding to bodywork or muscle relaxers. I was thinking maybe the Myrbetriq may affect the same part of the brain as the Wellbutrin(which worked well for many years for the bladder spasms). Would appreciate feedback. ## Body aches, joint aches, pain and spasms are listed by the FDA as being possible side effects of this medication. How long have you been taking it? Side effects are usually transient and go away, once you...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI'm prescribed Myrbetriq 1x daily at noon + Torisamide 2x weekly, when needed for water retention. When I use the Torisamide, I lose the effects at night of the Myrbetriq due to less sleep (getting up every two hours to use the bathroom). This goes on for at least three days or more. Can anything be done? It's defeating the purpose of the procedure "urlift". ## Well, the Torsemide is used to help remove excess fluid from the body, so yes, it is normal that it will make your urinate more, that is just one of its normal side effects, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, dehydration, and hypotension. Generally, it is not advised to take it with a medication like Myrbetriq, since you already have frequent urination issues. How often do you experience fluid retention that ...
1 REPLY UpdatedHas anyone else experienced problems with the bladder not being able to fully release urine and retention while taking Myrbetriq? If so, how long were you on the drug? And did that eventually resolve itself? ## That can be a side effect of this medication, according to FDA reports, and they do advise that you contact your doctor, since it does not always resolve, so this might not be the best medication choice for you. You may need to try something else. How much fluid do you take in each day? Are you on any other medications?
1 REPLY UpdatedCan myrbetric cause blood glucose to rise? Am 55, never been diagnosed as diabetic and am getting early morning fasting readings of 140. Weight is normal. Have been on myrbetric about 3-4 months ## Hello, Greg! How are you? The FDA does not have this listed as a known/proven side effect, however, other people taking it have reported experiencing this and having it stop, when they stopped the medication. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have had exactly the same thing , started back in May and finally figured it out about a month ago and stopped the medicine and it is back to normal. i am normal weight and had no high sugars prior to taking the myrbetriq
2 REPLIES UpdatedI've suffered with OAB for about 15 years and started taking Myrbetriq 3 years ago. It worked great for a while, with no side effects but stopped working several months ago. I discontinued taking it 5 days ago. I'm wondering if my body needed a break from it or should I just give up? I'm looking into non-prescription options, such as pumpkin seed extract, as I'm desperate for relief! ## Hello, Suzanne! How are you? What other medications have you tried? There are other options available to treat OAB, such as Oxybutynin. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, and urinary retention. It is claimed that pumpkin seed extract can help, but there is no actual researched proof of it. However, it is usually not harmful to t...
2 REPLIES UpdatedMyrbetriq seems to work best for me if I take it about an hour before going to bed. Silenor has now been added to my routine. Silenor should be taken w/in 30 minutes of going to bed. Will these 2 prescriptions interfere w/ each other? Will one reduce the performance of the other? ## Hello, Laurie! How are you? Actually, Myrbetriq can increase the efficacy of the Silenor, so it is the opposite. It isn't usually considered dangerous, as long as your doctor is monitoring you and has carefully evaluated the dosages. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedI just switched from oxybutin to myrbetriq. The oxybutin caused dry skin (and I'm wrinkling like a prune), a host of problems from dry mouth including crumbling teeth and hypersensitivity to spices including salt. Some days the salt in cheese burns. I got mouth sores and some days I couldn't eat bread without choking. I knew my eyes were dry - I'm just reading here that my recent vision problems were more fallout. And the horrendous leg cramps. The question is, how soon can I hope to see a difference? Will it reverse? ## Hello, Vric! How are you? Yes, it should reverse, but it may take a few weeks from the time you stopped taking it. However, you should be aware that Myrbetriq carries the risk of causing similar side effects, as reported by the FDA, so you may still experien...
1 REPLY UpdatedI have no control of my bladder and rectum muscles. I just had botex shots for my bladder and I just started taking Myrbetriq. My question is , would it help to see if botex would help with my rectum muscles and help me trying to get to the bathrroom before it starts. I have diverticulos and it is very hard to get to bathroom in time for lack of no muscle control..If you can be of any help I will be so thankful ,this is very embarrassing to me. Thank you so much.
UpdatedShould I take myrbetriq morning or evening? ## Hello, Redrose! How are you? It can cause some dizziness and drowsiness, as side effects, according to the FDA, so you might want to try taking it at night, unless your doctor has instructed otherwise. Additional side effects may possibly including nausea, bladder pain, sore throat and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## thank you; very helpful. I got my answer.
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am a person who has severe OBA. I was on vesicure and had no relief. I also want you to know that I cath. I feel confident that this will work for me as I empty my bladder a lot and I am tired of cathing all night long. I feel this will let me sleep better for longer periods of time. I was told if I didn't cath I would get UTI infection. I had many of them on vesicure when I wasn't cathing. Now I cath and no UTI and I know it' because I am fully empting my bladder cathing. I just need to get passed the frequency and I will have this licked. This medicine Myrbetriq I have done a lot of research on it and it seems to be right up my alley way. I will let you people know in the next few weeks. Thanks for letting me share on this forum. ## Hello, Nancy! How are you? How is the ...
1 REPLY UpdatedI have taken Myrbetriq for 1 year. I have very blurred vision and fatigue. Just wondering if it might be best to quit the meds, and deal with the symptoms? Has anyone tried this? ## Hello, Elaine! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems that you're having. Those are normal side effects for this types of medications, as listed by the FDA, you may also experience stomach pain, abdominal pain, back pain, sneezing, fever and loss of voice. Have you consulted your doctor? There are other options that you can try that may not cause you the same side effects.
1 REPLY UpdatedHelp, could this be side effect? Taking 25 mg for about a month now. Have nausea, headache, and dry eyes. Has anyone else had an eye issue? I feel like my eyeballs are going to pop out. Had great success with myrbetriq but can't tolerate the side effects ## Hello, Patty! How are you? Yes, it has been known to cause dry eyes in some people that take it, along with the other symptoms you've described. If you've been on it for abut a month, it should start to taper off soon, until the side effects gradually go away as your body adjusts to it. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedI am also taking Myrbetriq and started to have dizzy spells and was wondering if it also was related to medicine. Never had them before and I am starting my 5th month on drug. I liked the drug better than others I was on as dry mouth went away and constipation was much better. Also no problem with OAB. I read al material and nowhere does it mention dizzy spells or feeling light headed as a side effect. Anyone else have these symptoms? ## Hello, Georgie girl! How are you? It is listed in the detailed side effects of this medication and reported to occur in less than 1% of the people that take it. You may also experience blurred vision, bladder pain and rash. But, it would be best to have this checked out, just to be safe. Is there anything else I can help with?
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