Myoden Shots.side Effects
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i have been diagnosed that i have fibermyolgia, does this med help? in the past i have taken this shots along with phentermin pills and pyruvate caps. i have stoppped 4 yrs ago and again i am strugling with my muscle pain again should i go back to it again?

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I have MS I began the weight loss program and shots after a few weeks I noticed the Phenterimen. Worked like it had in the past before MS. and at the end of the day didn't feel like I had been hit by a truck. So I asked the secretary and she said they have Fybromyalgia. Patient who swears the shots help with pain and fatigue. I also had two very painful warts disappear. Crazy but I may have to get a 2nd job to afford this weekly+ shots. She also said one customer got 2 shots a week while having shingles and her Dr. Was amazed she needed no pain meds.
I am gonna discuss with my MS.Dr. when I go next time. Anything to help relieve my fatigue so I can lose weight is a God sent.
Good Luck!

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There is really very little information available on Myoden, it is a substance that is believed to help with metabolic processes, but this has not been proven and I also can't find any information on what the substance actually is.

Has your doctor recommended it?

It isn't actually approved as a medication, either.

You can learn more about Fibromyalgia here:


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