Mydayis Reviews (cons & Pros)
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Hi, I'm considering giving Mydayis a try. I've been struggling with the decision to switch from Vyvanse 70mg to Mydayis. Vyvanse works great for me but every now & then I like to take a months break from Vyvanse & substitute it with Adderall 30 mg. Twice daily. I honestly don't do well with Adderall. It has too many bad side effects for me & I'm such a Moody grouch that entire month. Let me add that yes, I see a doctor monthly & have had valid prescriptions for any medication I'm speaking about. Can anyone give me any reviews or the cons & pros of Mydayis and I also realize that every person is different & different meds works on some people just fine & others it don't. Just wanted to hopefully get some honest opinions & experiences with Mydayis.

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Have any of you heard of Concerta? I took this for a couple but it was not doing its job, so my doctor recommended Vynanse and this is suitable. I have Chronic Fatigue which pushes the benefits of any such medications.

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Re: Kevin (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

That's a great explanation of the truth! You are so right by saying we sometimes rely on other's reviews & their own personal experience in order for us or myself to make a decision when in fact, that's no accurate indication of how how I will respond to the medication. Thanks for pointing that out to me. It's important.

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Re: Kimberly 123 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No problem, I just want to make sure you are making the best decision for yourself. I can understand your desire to hear other people's stories and experiences with a drug you're preparing to take considering the era that we live in. With so much access readily available it can sometimes feel like a necessity to ensure that someone else has tested and reviewed a product to ease our minds about our own decisions. At least that's how I feel from time to time.

Best of luck.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks, Kevin! No offense taken as I know there's no certain way of knowing if I'll benefit from Mydayis until I give it a fair trial. Although, even though I know this to be true, for some unknown reason, I enjoy reading other people's personal experiences & opinions about certain things & medication happens to be one of those things. Thanks for your response to my question, I appreciate it.

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Hello Kimberly 123,

Unfortunately it comes down to what you mentioned, every person is different and different medications work for you while others won't. You can ask people on the internet if the drug will work for you all you want but ultimately it will come down to you making the decision to try the drug for yourself. With very little effort I was able to find people who claim the drug is the best they have ever had while others claim it's a scam and that they felt nothing.

Without having access to your medical records and your specific genetic makeup there is no way that anyone here on the internet can give you any beneficial information. Your best option when it comes to taking medication will almost always be to discuss your concerns with your primary care physician as they are best equipped to make these sorts of decisions and make educated recommendations.

I hope you don't find this post too redundant, I simply want to ensure that you make the most informed actions that you can.

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