My Prescription Was Stolen
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I recently had bi-lateral knee replacement revisions. (These last two made 9 surgeries). I have a prescription for OC/30. I take one tablet every 8 hours. I take 10 mg oxycodone as my break through meds. I sent a family member to pick up my Oxycontin 30's. There was 21 pills. She never brought them to me. I don't know how many she took or sold, but she is in rehab now. I want to call my dr and tell him I don't have my meds, but what will happen? Do I have to turn her in, even though she is in rehab? Will he give me another script? I feel like an idiot! Other family members warned me that she was using Methadone, and she had picked up scripts for me all along and never even unstapled the bag. Now what? I know I can't just go without, as that will so interfere with PT and the pain will be unbearable. What should I do? Any suggestions. Please be kind. I know it was my bad for sending her, but like I said, we never had an issue.
5 Replies
I dont know how strict your dr is. but you are walking on thin ice. i myself would be very careful. .get a police report. How long have you been seeing this dr? I have been seeing mine over 12 years and 1 time i lost my whole bottle when i was away. I was so afraid to call him. And i didnt and suffered. The very next visit when i got my new scripts and told him about the month prior he urine tested me right on the spot. Please note everyone. They have a new program on the computer in Nj. They can punch your name and info in and can find out all your script history. So if your getting pain meds from multiple doctors you can and will get caught now. It just happened to my friend. She went to the dentist this past Monday.She asked the dentist for a script for percocet. He went to the computer punched her name in and said to her...What happened to the 60 you were perscribed 3 days ago from your primary care doctor. ....
She got 6 teeth pulled for dentures. And only wrote her a script for 10 percocet and told her. He really doesnt want to finish her teeth for dentures and would have to think about it and get back to her. If that was a one week supply you got and you have something else to take for breakthrough pain and you get a new script in 7 days. I would not say anything take your other meds and never ever let anyone else touch your meds again. I have a safe. Good luck. Let us know how it went.
You have to report it to the police! Then they give you a case number. Take that info and give your Dr that case number..I take methadone and people steal it all the name it. So give your Dr your info to who you gave a police report and the case number. If it's a needed medicine as mine is..someone stoke your stuff and I know who it knowing who helps more to get your meds back. Call police: report: get case number: then contact your doctor right away and give them the case number proving you were victim of pharmaceutical theft. That Dr would be happy to fill it. They are a kit of bad folks wanting drugs all the time..turn their you know what in. They need to pay for our worry and stress and possible seizures...he took my xanax too...methadone and xanax cold turkey with idiopathic gastroparesis is hell..practically a homIcIde about to happen.
The best thing you can do is call your doctor and be honest with them, however, do not expect them to readily believe you. They have to account for all the controlled substance prescriptions that they write, so a second one for the same person will raise a lot of questions.
If you have no reported the theft, which you should have done right away, family member or not, there is nothing to back up your claim, such as a police report.
If they do require you to file one, you can expect them to ask you to take a drug test, to see how much Oxycodone is in your system, they will want to be able to see if you are lying or if you really don't have that prescription to use.
They are, however, under no obgliation to believe you and prescribe you anything else.
Oxycodone is a very potent narcotic and its use is constantly scrutinized by the government,
Did you have any other questions?
To be honest with you it sounds to me like there is more to your story than you told. I personally see a pain dr. and anyone else that does I think will agree that these Dr.'s clearly enforce that you keep your med's safe and at no time give your med's to someone else, Let me ask you this. Dont take this response personally Im only giving you my opinion as to the way ur Dr might see it. Who is this family member? I could see maybee ur son,daughter or husb picking up ur meds but it sounds like this person doesn't live with you. And if you have been told she/he is on methadone then you shouldn't of even asked them. Im sorry to me Im gonna be honest but I think ur telling a story right now and ur just searching for more. I was there myself and have used every excuse you can think of and more. and with the history of misuse of this med I would have to say that the dr's hear stories like this all the time. I personally used a similar one. I did alot of things that I am not proud of so please dont think I am judging you and my accusations aren't personal and in no way am I trying to insult you. You asked what to do and I simply am giving you my opinion and I wouldnt tell ur Dr. I think you might get disharged. I was. I was told that my meds are my responsibility and I should know where they are at all times. This was after probably one of the few times that I was telling the truth but a friend or should I say ex friend proved how much of a crack head he was by taking my pills one day when we were hanging out at my house when i went to the bathroom he must of grabbed them. I didn't realize till he was gone and at that point there was no chance I was getting them back. So when I started withdrawing the next day I was so desperate and couldnt take being sick that i thought if I was honest with my doc about what happend that he would feel bad for me and agree that I had no part in what happend and write me a new script well that was the last time I saw him. Now I currently need a new pain dr. but its not easy for me I am 28 years old and the first thing dr's think of when they get a new patient young like me is that I just want the drugs to get high and thats why I am now suffering with my 4 herniated discs along with other serious injuries. I refuse to go to the streets to buy these drugs mainly because Im affraid of where that might lead me. I have to say that I know how it looks from there perspective when a new patient pops up but I just think that xrays and mri reports should justify my pain. good luck friend and i think in the future you will be picking up your own meds now,,
I work with Doctors everyday and I would call his nurse and tell her your out that at times your pain level was higher than others and you will need more meds...
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