My Pain Mngmt Dr. Moved Away After Treating Me For 5 Years
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What do I do to find another pain mngmt clinic to treat my chronic pain? My original dr. moved away after getting me on the right track of some pain relief, now all these pain mngmt clinics only want to shoot me up with cortisone shots. That's just making me hurt worst or not helping at all on its own. I was on 10 mg Percocet 4x/day, now nothing.

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Many drs won't prescribe more than two immediate release meds a day. If someone needs an immediate release pain med four times a day, an extended release pain med usually works better. You don't need to get a printout from your pharmacy because any dr you go to can look up your profile in the state Prescription Monitoring Programs database and see what meds you have been prescribed, by what dr, when, etc. But, just because a dr you have seen in the past prescribed something does not mean that another dr will.

You can request a copy of your medical records from your old dr. Chances are you will have to pay a fee for getting them.

Your Medical Records-

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Have you tried contacting your old pain management doctor's office (unless s/he was a sole practitioner for a referral or to be transferred to another doctor in the practice? In addition, you should also be able to request your medical records from his/her practice to take with you to another doctor. Find new doctors! You can also request a printout from the pharmacy you use to show your doctors what you were on for pain management and what doses and for how long if you used the same pharmacy for the entire time you were on the medications. A lot of doctors are paranoid about pain meds because of the potential for misuse, abuse and addictive qualities. Find a doctor who will work with you.

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