My Ins. Will Not Refill My Rx For Bystolic.
UpdatedI was informed I have to change my blood pressure med. to a drug that comes in generic form.Will no longer fill my Bystolic 10mg.Gave my physician a list of meds. to change for me. Have taken Bystolic for several yrs. So now I'm concerned! Will try Coreg. Any advice or warnings on Coreg? So unfair- thanks Express Scripts for deciding just to play around with my meds. Wish I could afford to pay for Bystolic but nope.
1 Reply
Hello, Patsy! How are you?
I took the generic for Coreg, Carvedilol, for several years and it's known to cause less side effects than most others. The main warning I have is to watch for Raynaud's Phenomenon in cold weather. It tends to cause it in some people or worsen it in those of us that already have it and that was the biggest problem I had with taking it. If it causes it, it tends to be ongoing, so you might have to switch to something else.
If you aren't aware, Raynaud's is a circulatory problem, when your extremities, mainly hands and feet, tend to get very cold and go numb at times where they normally wouldn't for most people.
Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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