My Dr Took My Bottle Of Pills From Me And Wrote A Prescription For Another Pain Med (Page 3)
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I saw my Dr. yesterday and called him because I was still in pain. He told me to come back and to bring the bottle of medication with me. He took the bottle of pain pills that I had paid for and wrote me a script for a different medication. Can a Dr. actually take someone's pills away from them like that?

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YES He can if he is giving You another prescription; he has to be accountable for giving You these narcotics so they or Pharmacy can take previous med that was written BEFORE giving YOU the replacing meds

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Years ago the same thing happened to me and after talking to several of his patients he was doing this all the time. Come to find out, he was the junkie and that was the way he got his drugs!!! He ended up being sued for botching a spine surgery for 4 million. A well known neurosurgeon who I heard has been practicing in Florida!! Makes me sick!! I will never return any meds unless it may be a sample the office gave me, but if you pay for the rx, they have NO more right than someone on the street to ask for your meds..

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I guess you could have declined the new script and kept the pills, but I would bet he wouldn’t give you new pills to add to your old pills.
I’ve brought meds to the doctor before for an “exchange” like that. They always put water in the bottle, close it, shake it, & throw it in the trash in front of me.
It’s super sketchy if the doctor just put them in his drawer.

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well heres the hook said they did not work ..... yes he took them .... can they yes if you let them .... catch 22 ... they are yours yes..... but they will not rewrite a new pain narc script if you still have script meds narcotic avaliable ..... so their rebuttle will be .... ok keep your meds see me when script scheduled to be depleted and i will write you another one ...... thing is will it be for same med or a new one
...... you can call dea if ya want .... & maybe you should & you can call your insurance if you have it .... & ... maybe you should but if thats your plan find new dr first & be ready for pain in the but treatment ....... is it right? ..... does it matter? ...... just say n

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What we have here people is providers, lawmakers, health entities, presidents, all making up various "rules" they deem appropriate because we have an "Opioid Crisis" caused by, well, caused by you, your doctor, your hospital and senator. The misinformation in every state, city, and town runs with that theme and if someone wants to emphasize something then it's the "new laws" of the FDA, CDC, DEA, NRA, PTA, FBI, IRS etc and you MUST comply for fear of pain and suffering for either not getting appropriate health care or getting it then being taken off of it cold turkey because you broke what ever law of the moment is your painful contract that your committee decided was just right for the chronic disabled, elderly, mentally retarded, potus pain parities, and Fatal Fatigue Syndrome crowds who-from provider mediated pharmacies, that aren't double certified with a pink bow on top of the building to prove compliance by the local PTA! You got that right. It made no sense. Get my drift here?

That's what we are dealing with people. The truth according to me, a person that keeps lots of truth with him is that: OK the next part really is true: previous paragraphs though, sadly are more true than a joke. Find some real news and be smart. Never be political or you'll be lost right away. China has been exporting to the USA tons upon tons of killer synthetic opioid s such as fentanyl and it's super-hyper potent analogues. Law enforcement is just now getting the correct machines to check for this when people so called overdose from stealing grandma's darvocet's. Hey, she saves everything. (we can either sit down and cry or try to have a laugh at the insanity) or whatever way they can tie it to law abiding people in pain and begin with them and torture them and pump up the suicide statistics to balance the overdoses. When it's said and done I predict there's been an actual true reduction in true overdoses with prescribed meds. Prescribed meds are a targeted side show charade-not the cause of rise in OD's. Prescriptions have been reduced by the millions and opioid OD's still rise! It's a major USA security catastrophe nobody's identifying from China. It's imported -- Fentanyl powder and analogs that are being found in all street drugs. Just having it on some susceptible peoples skin can kill them right away. People are not classifying, and identifying the causes and the effects correctly.

This results in other unrelated groups being seriously effected. Notice the confusion in the previous posts. Now, there is a glimmer of hope. The less hysterical anti-opioidphobes are organizing. Statistics are finally being analyzed where bits of truth by chance slip into influential minds. Lawmakers are finally working together for once and standards are being set for everyone. It's going to take another 5-10 years to get most of the truth out but it's happening. One thing that may delay this will be the mountains of backlash-class action lawsuits that will rise en-masse from people that have been flatly abused, cut off, blamed and downright assaulted and battered by providers that have no clue what ethics are. It's a no no to require a pain contract and hold certain threat of pain over someones head so they sign it to get pain relief for God's sake! It's a no no to then cause assault and battery to another human being by ripping up the USA constitution with bodily U/A's, search and seizure, and thinking it's just dandy to stop people cold turkey from ultra high dose opioids they've been taking 20 years because-fill in the reasons-I've done enough here.

This generation of providers have an empathy and compassion and reality deficit because they grew up on faceboob, playing games on ipads instead normal human interaction. Almost done. But, another bright hope we think we can do soon is dial in some empathy into the cost saving medical robots. A robot Med-ATM can replace a clinic. Call your representatives to be sure we get some caring built into those machines if you recall what that is. That's what's happening here in 2018. Replace the un-responsible, unethical providers and policy makers and big money influences that don't know common things like its not good to give, cause, worsen, abandon, stop-hurt people in pain in the name of the wrong reason for an epidemic. Mostly, patient abandonment and i'ts gawd awful repercussions when nobody else gives a flying ..too about your pain. Addict anyway. It's OK if they have pain. Right? Oh, writing this dropped me down to a 7.

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Re: Sher (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, my name is Dave. I feel for you because of your experience you wrote about. My x pain management Dr. Tried to do the same to me. I didn't have any trust with him after that. Anything that was done with your medicine should be done while in your presence. Everything above and on the table while you are watching. I believe it is your right. I know that you need your medicine and you don't want to lose your perscriber but what was done to you is wrong. I sure hope you reported him and found a new Pain Management Doctor.

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Ok, my situation is a bit different. I went to doc today for refills on meds. He took my pill bottles from me and said he had to go get a prescription pad. There was one on the table but I just figured he needed a different one. He left the door open and I heard the pill bottles being opened. At the time it made me mad because I was thinking he was checking to make sure it was the right medicine for the bottle, as if I would put a fake pill in there, (I know that is illegal) anyhow, on my way home I stopped to get some water and take my medicine. When I opened my bottle 6 of my pills were missing. I only know because I had counted them that morning very proud of myself because I actually had 10 pills left and was 2 days past my refill date. I try not to take them unless I truly need them. I dont know how many of the others were missing as I didnt count them, but did hear both bottles being opened. Well then I got mad because for one I paid for them, 2 he is my dr. and I trusted him and 3 he stole from me. I called him up and just said "did you maybe spill my medicine because a lot are missing, Im not saying you took them but if you dropped them, then somebody might find them". He flat out lied and said he didnt even open the bottles. What do I do? I cannot prove he took them but I KNOW that he did. I am shocked, concerned, angered and perplexed as to what rights I have. It is my word against his, and he is the doctor!!!!

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I want someone to show me this law that says doctors CAN, OR ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE A PATIENTS MEDICATION IF THEY ARE SWITCHING MEDS, TAKING THEM OFF OF IT, ETC. You can't show it to me because it does not exist. Now, if you signed a contract with that doctor saying you would turn over left over medication, then you gave them permission to do it, or most likely they would dismiss you from the practice.

AS FOR JENIFER, it's none of anyone's business why he wants to keep his meds, up and until he does something illegal. HE PAID FOR THAT MEDICINE, AND IT'S LEGALLY HIS PROPERTY, JUST AS IF HE HAD BOUGHT A 12 pack of cokes at the same time, no one has the right to take his last, leftover coke from him. IT'S JUST COMMON SENSE PEOPLE. THIS IS THE USA, NOT CUBA OR RED CHINA. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO YOUR PROPERTY, EXCEPT BY DUE PROCESS, IN OTHER WORDS, A SEARCH WARRANT. 4TH AMENDMENT, US CONSTITUTION.

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That is crazy they are your pills. I would call the Doctors office and request when you can p u the perscription you paid for from the office.

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The doctor probably is taking them himself

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Um....WHAT? do you spell much?

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Even with my kid patients (ADD/ADDH), I never asked parents to bring bites unless I was completely at see regarding the meds and the kid was a new patient. post parents can COPY with reasonable verisimilitude!

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I had the same thing happen to me, in fact the doc said if the medicine didn't work to bring it back. He told me he had patients who could not afford certain medicines, and he would give it to them. While it made sense, I would say, it would b illegal for him . With that said, it is legal to ask for the medicine back, however the medicine should b destroyed in front of you. The fear of a lot of doctors that your going to sell, or trade, or give it to someone else. Sorry to say this, but the doc, has to be careful for his own livelihood!

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@ timster...i dunno, but your right, they do it all the time...not sure why this is either??who the hell knows nowadays...too many rules, not enough REAL docs...

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Is it right for a doc to send your U/A two thousand miles away, but refuse to use a local place to check for drugs?

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LOL antman. I am LMAO right now and just like to thank you for that priceless response re:"my Dr wrote me a new script for stronger narcotics after I reported the initial script he wrote didn't help my pain. But he confiscated the pills I PAID for already! Can he DO that?". Well maybe I didn't quote word for word but it shows the gist of the "question". OMG. HAHAHAHAHA.

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Hey if u want higher pills milligram wise who cares what he does he's the doc make him happy so I keep getting whatever u want from him maybe the docs in pain and he needs em remember docs can't write they own scripts let it go they went to good use

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This is NOT True. By law any prescription for narcotics that is being changed requires the dr. destroy all the old medication before writing a new script. I know this for fact as I myself have had to hand over all unused medication to be destroyed before getting a new script. Then I had to sign a document stating I turned over x number of pills.

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You don't have to give your meds to the dr. But know that when it comes to narcotics, if you DONT give up your previous meds he will not be able to give you another script. That is law. So it's up to you. Continue to take the meds that aren't helping until they're gone, or turn them over and get a new script.

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It's required by law for the dr. to destroy the previous pain medication before writing a script for another.

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