My Question Is I Have Been On Hydomorphone4 5 Months 2mgs Every 4hrs Had Rotorcuff Was Totally Into An Bicep Wa To Shaved 1half Inch Arth Off Calicale
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question rotocuff an biceps torn totally into 5months been on hydromoreophone 2 to 4 mg every 4 to 6 hours got one months supply nov 26th till dec 26th got back on the 24th took a few extra called doctor to see if he would refill and the nurse made a big ordeal about the fact that i came back two days early now i have too see the doctor. went to the er dec25th and got 12 5mg norcos they put me in a room and when someone came back there they sad who are you? i said my nae and the nurse said oh well we do not even have you put in the computer we thought you were still in the waiting room.i went to er from my knee and my shoulder and they sent a fax to my doctor saying i was only there for my shoulder. im a 50 year old man that has had both rotor cuff choulder surgrey open heart neck surgrey for a pinched nerve and a broken neck, knee surgery and two ankle surgries. The whole point of this is should the medical asstiant even made a big deal on what day i came back. i called the 24th and they said it was to early so i called the 26th and this would have put me at 31days now i have to see my doctor to disscuss pain manament because of all this!!!!!!!!!!
2 Replies
I would say no for the fact my PCP writes my Norco script for 5 months and my pharmacy sends refil reminders and I can get it usually 2 days before date on the bottle. Your script must be on a monthly see the DR. basis??
Due to the prescription drug laws, they really have no choice but to fuss and worry if you're running out early. Under these laws, there is a limit on how much can be prescribed to anyone per month and they have to keep track of it, as well as explain if you're running out early.
Learn more Hydromorphone details here.
And everyone that is suffering from chronic pain that requires long-term use of narcotic medications will have to go to a pain management specialist now, that is no longer optional. Regular doctors and surgeons will only be able to prescribe such medications for short-term use, such as for a few weeks right after someone has had surgery or been in an accident.
Thus, you aren't going to have a choice but to enter pain management, anyway.
When do you see the doctor?
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