My Pcp Decided She Will No Longer Fill My Tramadol Rx (Top voted first)


I'm back 2 square 1 again! My PCP won't refill my Tramadol Rx since it changed drug classifications & I don't know what I'm going 2 do! She said she feels it should be written by a Pain Dr & my Pain Dr doesn't write any pain medicine Rx's. My Pain Dr is holistic. He does acupuncture & massage & nerve blocks. I already asked my Pain Dr...he won't refill my Tramadol Rx! I don't know where 2 go from here?

I was on Dilaudid 4 my Pain 1 1/2yrs ago for my pain & now. I'm on Tramadol. It's really helping my pain, it's not Fentynol or Oxytocin..for God's sake, it's on the lowest end of the spectrum & shouldn't even BE in the same class of drugs!

Where can I get my Tramadol or where have u gotten ur Tramadol? And what suggestions do u guys have?

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I am well aware Tramadol changes drugs classifications & I can no longer get this Rx called in with 5 refills on it. I have to call her office every month when I am down 2 a weeks worth of pills, 2 remind her I need another refill. She shuffles her feet, when I call. But, if I have my Pharmacist call, he gets the Rx in mins. I always get my Rx though! I just don't have a backup plan in case my PCP does stop refilling my Tramadol

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Why not seek a pain med clinic that gives pain meds???

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I don't know what u mean? Can u explain it further in layman's terms?

I was told Tramadol was placed in the same Class as Perk's & they can no longer give me refills on the bottle 4 them, like they used 2.

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Going 2 a different pain clinic isn't an option! Either they don't accept my insurance, they aren't accepting new patients, I'm a high risk patient (because of my medical history & because of how many medications I'm on). I live about 1 hr from Pgh International Airport. I've gone as far as 2hrs in each direction. I was lucky 2 have found the Pain Dr I did. No 1 in my area does my nerve block procedure.

Trust me, I wouldn't b****ing if I didn't I didn't exhaust each & every option first before they posted this.

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Karoske, you have been lied to. Tramadol can be called in and refilled. Tramadol is Not in the same class as Percoset or other opiates because it is not an opiate. But, it is up to each Dr when they prescribe any medications how often they want to see s patient. If you are already seeing an actual Pain Management Dr, then they see their patients every month. It doesn't matter what meds they are taking. You may want to ask your PCP or other drs if they will prescribe the Tramadol.

If you signed a pain contract you can't have another Dr treat your pain while you're still receiving treatment from your current pain Dr or they will dismiss you.

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Tramadol is Not a Schedule II. It is a Schedule IV, which is the least restrictive class of drugs. r.

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People this is an age old problem that we in the USA haven't had to face for awhile. Because of a few extra deaths form narcotic overdoses MD's are in a false fear of losing their license. This problem needs to be looked at with both eyes wide open and in context of all drugs that have side effects. Quietly drugs such as Viox, and Propecia and many others that respond differently in people with uncommon genetics take many more lives that OD's with narcotics. These "accidents" happen not by the patients that are prescribed the narcotics but to teens that raid the medicine chest and good people that just want to help others by handing out their pain med to people that are not used to taking such strong doses and then stop breathing. Suicides, which I believe are the bulk of the OD cases are generally not factored in by the FDA when it says an alarming increase in deaths have occurred from misuse/abuse of narcotics. You and I must fight and must fight back hard to get the rights that every person in pain should have. Otherwise this country could go as far as many third world countries and just not make anything more than aspirin available for pain. I've had to fight with my primary MD and then a so called "pain MD expert" who is just a tired old anesthesiologist. These MD's want to save their perceived attack on their medical licenses but they don't know, nor care to know about all the facts. The DEA is not canvassing all MD's that write for pain meds. They don't have the funds to do such a thing. Forgive me but I think that the pendulum needs to swing in favor of pain relief and not the worry of drug abuse. Pain is pain and can be ungodly. If not treated appropriately with strong enough medications the patient suffers. The drug addict has a choice to go to rehab but what about the patient in chronic pain? There's no choice! It's pain or suicide. Tell your elected officials, tell your MD's you won't stand for it! You won't stand to be treated as a criminal and drug addict just because people without this chronic pain are afraid. I know it's difficult but if people with chronic pain do not fight back they will end up just like the funding for the mentally ill. The mentally ill aren't able to speak up and fight for better treatment and you see what they get? That's right. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and don't be afraid or intimidated. Educate yourself on what is currently happening with Pain treatments and the fear that is pervasive throughout the medical and pharmaceutical professions. People that haven't had tremendous neurological or idiopathic pain, like depression just do not know how severe it is. They minimize your complaints and put you in a box and label you in a way that isn't true. So fight like you've never fought back before. Why? Not for you but for your children's sake because it's them that will suffer even more. Education and FACTS are your best weapon to fight fear and ignorance. If you are someone that has trouble with pain med and needs more and more seek treatment now. The current thinking is if you have a drug misuse history then you don't get pain meds. period. It's called suffer. Suffer you will unless you fight back at the craziness that has caused many people to give up and suicide. The FDA is seeing more deaths from opiates. I wonder why? Think about that. It's messed up and nuts and don't stand for this fear based treatment any more.

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You are so right!!! Propecia is prescribed with nasty side effects and death at the back door. Accutane can kill your libido for ever, seen many relationships ruined to the point of suicide. I'm so tired of hearing about this pain pill epidemic, people overdosing. Obviously they are not listening to the Dr. or reading the pill bottle instructions. I don't want to hear whining when someone diverts narcs and OD's. That's your fault not the docs or the pharm. company. The DEA gets involved in this because every one needs to look like they are doing something about it. I'm fortunate to have a good PCP who will write me pain meds when i NEED them. Perhaps once every 4 years. The solution is for docs to have ANY person who gets prescribed ANY controlled substance no matter if it's lomotil or ultram to come in and have their pills counted ONCE a week. If they can't then they need to see another doc. Docs should have a nurse available to do this. One pill short with out a GOOD excuse and Bye-Bye pill prescribing. Pt's who abuse and divert would soon be weeded out. They would get so tired of doing this they would stop going to the Dr. This pain pill nonsense has been going on forever!!! There is NO need to have 30 different pain meds on the market. They even keep making more of the stuff. These folks who OD are not the sharpest knives in the books if it's not suicide. They don't listen to their doc or pharmacist, even their parents. If you feel that bad about your self that you need to take massive doses of narcotics then I feel bad for you. Go to detox and dry out, come out and get your act together. What these mayors and other captains of industries don't tell you either is that these people are Over dosing with OTHER drugs in their system as well as pain pills. Stuff like xanax, ativan, klonopin, anti depressants any thing they can get their dirty hands on. They ruin it for folks like my Grandmother who is 78 and gets a hard time because she needs a few percs now and then. How does all this crap get on the street???? Or diverted so much??? I take Adderall for ADHD and I turn the tv on and what do you know???? College kids taking the stuff to study. Are they now that dumb that they need to take adderall to pass an exam???? Never used the stuff myself in college and graduated just fine. Again Docs not having their patients come in with their meds and count them. Moms are stealing it from their kids to get house work done. Why is a 12 or 10 year old in charge of taking his medication in the AM???? Where is Mom and Dad???? Sleeping or they just do not want to be bothered. Why isn't that stuff under lock and key with the parent having the key??? 2 days ago I broke my wrist and was prescribed Vicodin. Why would someone want to walk around all dopey, somnolent, constipated with clouded thinking and sensorium. Stuff only lasts about 2 hours and the pain is back worse. Motrin works much better and my thinking is clear. NO ONE will ever stop this abuse nonsense. Kids now a days are doomed when they become adults because they can not handle stress or pressure of any kind with out having to take some pill. There's no need for people to be on 2 or 3 different types of pain meds. Many folks use the excuse they are allergic to one type of opiate to get another. I really could care a less about these people Over dosing. No can argue with me that it is not that persons fault and only them. I could be wrong but I don't think Docs are telling their patients to double or triple the dose should you not become euphoric and dopey. Please drink with alcohol and xanax. These folks who OD and abuse RX meds have problems beyond our understanding. It's not the pills fault. Oxy's and xanax are the same thing as having a loaded gun in the house. Guns don't kill, people kill. Same for Oxy's and xanax except there is no second amendment right protecting pain pills. Ever notice how the gun debate always ends up mute with the NRA always coming out first even in front of DUMBO OBAMA. Guns kill more people and cause much more misery then Oxy's. Prozac, zoloft, paxil etc...SSRI's in general in fact do cause people to become suicidal and jump out of 10 story windows. SSRI"s have killed many people this way except it's all hush, hush. Notice how coroners never tell you the name of the anti depressants found in OD victims or suicide victims??? Bottom line..there is and never was a pain pill epidemic. This is all to scare everyone out of their wits that's all. It will never stop so I wish these folks who aim to open their loud, uninformed mouths to please shut up and focus on some thing important like crime, poverty, no jobs, schools are terrible, people are starving etc. Can't focus on that because it does not fit their political agenda...Right Obama???

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