My Oxycodone Is Not Working, What Do I Do? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on opiates for over 10 years now and after refining the dosage amount finally found at sweet zone at 135mgs Morphine per day. I made a big mistake and asked my Dr if I could get rid of the day time Morphine and try something that would not be so sedative during the day. I was switched to Oxycodone from Morphine (not what I asked). The Oxycodone absolutely sucks as it only works for about 3 hours. I have asked several ways to get it changed and have now found myself being compromised. By me asking so deliberately they have now said they are taking all opiates away! I am freaking out, I am in tears in the morning and have to double dose in the AM to be able to not want to just give up. I started to argue with the Dr. and was just told there is nothing to do as that is the decision. They are tapering down 25mg each month. I do not want to be reduced but do not know what to do. This is the Veterans Administration and I'm just so freaked I do not know what to do. I am at my wit's end, please give advice.
So many people are giving up. In my family alone I have had 5 people commit suicide since the 90's because of either NO pain control or Doctors threatening to withhold pain meds/suddenly stop pain management. Until they understand pain themselves and put some people in power that ACTUALLY HAVE CHRONIC PAIN and are willing to speak out, this country is in big trouble. I pray for every one struggling with pain now. God Bless you all and I hope they will SOON legalize Medical Cannabis nation wide!
my dad was prescribed oxycodone for nearly 10 one time he was medicated around the clock with a sustained release tablet..they reformulated the original OxyContin product some years ago which made him want to omit his nightly dose..he was switched to immediate release pills
these pills were short you his only worked for 3 hours or so. I see where you double dose in the morning. is this how the pills are prescribe or does the doctor recommend you double dose? I'm going past what I know about your particular circumstance but that's when a lot of people start running out of medicine before a refill date. I believe with even the best intentions oxy ir ends up being abused. doctors are now afraid of the DEA shutting them down where previously they had more latitude in narcotic prescribing. I see where you doctor with the VA. It's been my experience that federal agencies tend to follow CDC/FDA guidelines concerning the prescription of narcotic drugs. in the past year or so oversight agencies have came up with new opiate prescribing guidelines. my dad got cut off his 120mg prescription for a technical violation of a contract drawn up between him and his clinic..(county health clinic). he was able to go thru a hospital outside his jurisdiction for a gradual dose reduction.
he is largely pain free now..there were some discs which fused over these past 10 years in essence growing over his pain points..he is not in bondage to a drugs..he was prescribed two weeks worth of Neurontin possibly for post acute withdrawals..his month of gradual dose reduction in the hospital was hard as he had no real peer support except myself (daughter) and one of our relatives. being drug free has it's advantage for him no doubt plus the threat of me losing my father to accidental overdose..violent home invasion robbery is about nil these's been 3 or 4 months now and it took some time for him to adjust..
Jeff first and foremost thank you for your services for our country, my family and I are in your debt! Secondly I know what you're going through as I had degenerative disc disease, had surgery which failed, was sent to a pain clinic which got me addicted to pain meds which brought me to a methadone clinic where I finally found my release from pain. Now that brings me to my point, be careful going to pain clinics because they can be just overpriced drug dealers and keep you trapped, but they can help you with what you need to survive. I know that sounded weird and it is but the pain clinic I went to couldn't help me find the right combination of pain meds to function. So they gave up on me and just kept me on a cocktail of Oxycontin, Morphine & Oxycodone which I became used to so they stopped working and that's how I became an addict. I started finding ways to hurt myself even more to get sent to the hospital in hopes I could get more pain meds. I literally was about to find them through other means when I found my methadone clinic and they saved my life. So I'm telling you this to let you know Jeff you have options and you will get the relief you're looking for. Methadone despite what 1 person said on here is not an opiate, it's an opiate blocker, but it still helps very much with my pain and it lasts all day. So don't give up, you have options and I will pray for you.
It is very hard not to go ballistic as to think of the reality of how I am going to hurt, well they are breaking their promise to me. I am not to break my promise, but they can. You are right though, I realized it too late.
What I stated was the whole truth. I asked my pain Dr. If I could try and replace the 30sr Morphine during day to not feel tired? He was and is a great guy. Well we tried oxycodone during the day and it was a horrible experience. When I saw him again he said I will work with you to find the right mix if possible. Well then my kidney function went wacky. Primary Dr said no Morphine and put me on straight oxycodone IR. Wow bad choice, as it's 3 hours per dose. Well when I made effort to reach my pain mgt Dr., my primary care physician decided to start the process of what I stated earlier. That is nothing more nothing less! Do not assume the worst about people. I even going from 270+ MGS of morphine down to 90mgs and have never even felt any body or mental withdrawal. My body is use to it because it does give relief.
After reading many posts of people that live in severe pain, and the Dr just says, I'm not prescribing you any more of your meds you have been taking for years, then automatically stop, can kill some people. So does any one want to bring up that part of stopping pain sufferers? Does anyone realize that they could possibly die, being denied pain medicine? I have many things illnesses, i have been disabled since 06/2006 and now after all these years i have my pain in a controlled condition. And i only take 1ER tablet in a 12hr period. and BTP medication 4 times daily. I have always taken my meds exactly the way its written on the label, no more, no less. What makes me mad is finally years of trying this and trying that, I have had livable pain control, and now get it wiped away in a minute. Does anyone worry about withdrawals or what the alternative will be?? NO, nothing is written or said about this nightmare a person will go thru and most likely will not live through. I had two sisters younger then me, both with disabling back problems, back surgeries x 3 with one sister and 1 with the other which put both in even more severe pain then what they had in the beginning. Well, both couldn’t deal with the pain, Dr’s wouldn’t help them, so they killed themselves. Yes, they both committed suicide. Now with all the severe chronic back pain, leg & Knee pain, Fibro, so bad i can even participate in intercourse with my husband. I am dead serious. RCPD came from a failed surgery on my left knee, couldn’t find anything wrong, so labeled me with RSD, later found out it was not in my head, now its called RCPD/RCPS. I cant have back surgery as i will have the RCPS in the back even worse then the pain i have to this date. I live every single day in such pain, child birth was nothing compared to the pain i have day to day. And i had natural child birth with all 3. RA in both hands, and RCPS in the left leg and foot.
After being seen by 9 ortho surgeons in San Diego, all agreed that was the reason my knee was in such horrible pain. After numerous letters to the Surgeon General, we were able to see a non bias Ortho surgeons (2) at Naval Hospital, San Diego. After 2 months of treatments and therapy, MRI, Cat Scans, They said I had RCPD. Again, asking what that was, same as the other 9 Doctors. So, at that time, I was referred to a pain management specialist. After many appointments, he prescribed me Oxycodone and Percocet. Which made me nauseated all the time. But first, i forgot to say, i had the pills for almost 2 weeks, trying to talk myself out of taking the first one. I really had a hard time asking myself, do you need these? Then after the pain got so severely bad I finally broke down and took one Percocet. It helped a bit,not all the way, good but helped. I limited my self for months and after 13 hours in a ER room, sticking huge needles through my knee, seeing if i had any infection. It came back clear. So, they said just keep taking my medication and 2 weeks bed rest, I should be fine. WRONG!!! It got even worse. I had just received a promotion with the government in VA, and I had to come back home as i couldn’t do the job. I could barely walk. It was so bad, I asked the Dr if he would just cut off my leg above the knee. His reply, no you will just get the RCPS there and it would be even worse then it was now. I wanted to just die. I hurt so bad i wanted to die. But my daughter said, Mom if you do anything, taking my life, she would not come to my funeral. For some reason that really hurt my heart. My children are grown thank god, as if i were still raising them i wouldn’t be able too. After 6 months i was put in a disability status, i fought that one, but had 3 Dr’s and a Supervisors saying I was a liability to the company.
My life was over, no one wanted me, and i can even get out of bed. The pain was debilitating and couldn’t understand why no one would help me. They said there was nothing else they could do for me. Then being told i would live the rest of my life on pain medications, so i could have some QUALITY OF LIFE. After all the years of trail of this and that, spinal stimulation twice, put me in more pain. PT till they threw their hands up and said NO MORE, Epidurals was my best friend then insurance wouldn’t cover, unbelievable. Then finally on only two medications and i can enjoy my life to the fullest. AND NOW THEY WANT TO TAKE IT ALL AWAY. What in world am i going to do??? Just because of criminals selling and abusing the medication, we all have to suffer. Tell me WHY, With the techniques this country has, and you cant pick them out??? I ask you, why pick on the people that take them the way the Dr says to take them. Why are we being punished. Its so unfair it makes me ill. At one time there were no problems with this medication. If you do what your doing to innocent pain sufferers, your going to have a higher number of deaths, then the ones who abuse and sell their medications. God, help you if you become a pain patient and have to live everyday and night in pain, you would have cut your own throats. This is so unfair, its unbelievable. You have much larger problems then this epidemic. I want someone to explain to me, why it has to be done this way. What rights do the severe pain sufferers have?? Please answer the questions? I bet you cant. BTW, I have sent this letter to President Trump. Hopefully he will actually read it. God Bless and hope things get better.
Well, I am glad the doctor you have seems to be a good person. I have too many cooks in the kitchen.
I believe you are right that he needs to seek out a different doctor. If it is possible, if he has Medicare he should leave the VA for his pain treatment. The VA is cutting everyone off. I know someone who is disabled after an injury in the Navy that broke his neck and back and almost kill him and they have taken him off all opiates. Yes a lot of these doctors are cutting back including mine, but for most people and those that have been on these meds for a very long time without any problems they are not taking us off of them completely. I have been on a high dose of narcotics for more than fifteen years now. To be very honest, I have some debilitating issues and this year my insurance company which is a Medicare HMO; made my Dr give them an authorization for my opiates because I am over that equivalent of 95 mg of morphine. I have never had to have an authorization before and I have ban on basically the same medications except for the short-acting ones that he took away; except for when I had a morphine pump implanted. It is strange because they want us off of these medications so they can be sure we will not sell them or do the wrong things with them but my insurance would not authorize me to have another morphine pump because it was too expensive. To be very honest I was on the equivalent of approx. 550 mg of morphine and the pain DR. did wean me down by about 125 mg equivalent by reducing my short-acting medications. He did that before my insurance asked for the pre-authorization and told me he needed to do this or he was afraid he could easily lose his license to practice medicine. From what he told me it is the short-acting ones that people are selling for a lot of money and it is those that most doctors want to take you off of. He told me I was free to try and find another doctor but I knew he was telling me the truth. I also know that I'm still on a great deal of medication and wish it were not the case It was not easy and I no longer do housework at all even though my equivalence of morphine is just under 425 milligrams. When they reduce your medications; unless you have gotten better, you have to make life changes. I don't know what I would do if he had taken all of my medication away from me and not been able to find another doctor help me. I'm afraid I would probably get one of my prescriptions before he weaned me off completely and end my life with it. I guess I'm saying that I absolutely know how you are feeling and you absolutely have to see another doctor. Do it as quickly as possible! When you see another doctor my suggestion is not to tell him what you want for your pain. Instead tell him what has worked for you and what has not worked for you and go from there! You are not that far over the numbers and I really do believe that you will be able to find another doctor when you start looking! I would not tell you that if I didn't believe it! Please keep us informed.
Not only is the va cutting off pain meds... the federal govt is attacking opiates like the drug is the criminal... rather than realizing that criminals are the problem... and punishing the criminal because the govt doesnt want to pick up the cost or the rath of civil rights groups (that obviously dont care about the rights of those non-criminals that suffer w/ chronic pain) so they pass laws to infringe on the rights of the law abiding citizens.... in this case the right to have medical care for your pain... All the lip service for a national medical insurance law yet they refuse service to law abiding patients and punish them for the behaviour of criminals and if you say anything they say see you must be an addict thus you need the drug that helps and are removed from your medical regiment..... Start calling your elected govt officiails and ask them why they know more than the dr about your condition when they never went to medical school and if they did they've never seen you as a patient. Tell them to punish the drs abusing the law for gain. Give them 20 years max and make them work in prison hospitals and give patients 5yr minimum and 5000 hours community service when they get out. Someone needs to find lawyer that will fight for all of us with a major legal case against any and all that are causing the refusal of medical care and those causing that action to become way too commonplace.... Guess i went off on a tangent.
Short update, as I shared I went off to the patient advocate at VA. Not sure if that was the kick, but I saw a pain mgt Dr yesterday and they went back to 90mgs, 2 30mgs long acting and 2 15mgs IR. I am still worried that it will not cover my pain as the best was at 150mgs. My goal is to find out WHY I hurt so damn bad. I had a scare the other day as when I moved the pain was so bad I was blind for about 5/10 minutes. Like a white sheet over my eyes. That was a bad morning!
I have been thru a forced withdrawal, Feb 1, 2016 until March 8, 2016. I was on total of 330 mg of er/ir morphine per day rebuilding a decent, somewhat productive life after I was crushed from shoulders to hips in auto accident. My pelvis was rebuilt, hips, lumbar fusion, metal plate to attach pelvis to spine, new shoulders, decent rib repairs, lost half of a lung, extensive nerve damage. My neck needed fused, c2 thru 6, but a neck brace and time put that on the back burner. Had I not been in top physical condition at the time I wouldn't be here. Anyway I had successfully weaned myself down to less than 1/10 of the opiates I was on when I finally left the hospital. 5 years later I was caring for myself, walking, moving on the best i could. 330mg just worked for me. I was strict at doing what & how my doc wanted. Then the new guidelines for my state were put into place Jan, 2016. Note i had never used legal or illegal drugs in my life. I did not drink. I loved life. With new guidelines my doc told me he feared the suicides that would come & was moving away. His office would find me a new doc. He was sorry. I got 30 days of med refills but new doc would not see me for 2 months and would not accept me on such a dangerous level of opioids anyway. After my meds ran out i was thrown into hell. It did almost kill me. I spent that month in a hospital where my broken body tried to shut down. I remember horrific, gut wrenching pain. Happily I don't remember 3 weeks of that hell. I had further damaged my neck & lost the use of my arms and hands. I was taken, opiate free, by ambulance, to see my new doc. Being transported and made to sit in a wheelchair was torture and I became shock. My no was 175/110 pulse 130. He offered me a choice; 10mg, 3 day phentenol patches and 1 vico or 1 15 er morphine 2x day and 1 vico as breakthrough. Pick. I'm allergic to glue on patches & phentenol hates me. So does any vico. I picked the morphine. I'm now confined to my bed. I have many days where I can only cry or scream from pain. My daughter has to waste her life caring for me. I'm slowly losing my mind. I'm very weak. I don't believe in suicide. I have no hope, just endless days of torture. At this rate I will die soon. But seared into my mind is the torture of withdrawal. The physical & emotional damage it inflicted. I would have happily weaned down, done anything my new doc wanted. That was cruel and inhumane to treat me like that, but he does that with all new patients. If I see another pain doc that's "doc shopping" and violates my pain contract. So many good pain clinics r closed now. Suicides r frequent. Marijuana is legal for anyone over 18 and this state offers assisted suicide. I hate marijuana. I tried the pain version at my doc's urging. It was a horrible experience. I'm just s.o.l.
I will pray, prayer works. I feel stupid even complaining with stories such as yours. Stress does kill and no quality of life does as well. That all scares me, I am 2 days almost 3 opiate free. It is not right at all, I have seriously thought about opiates. That kind of tells you where I am at, so ignorant and inhuman. I don't want to live if I have to be in such pain, they just didn't get it. I am not sure what I am going to do if 90mgs don't control it. I do pray they can figure some of this out. What has started a while back is skin Hypersensitivity of abdomen, like WAY bad. God be with all of us.
To Roro...No, you did not go off on a tangent. I thought I was the only complainer abt this. I just spent my 6th day in bed as my pain management dr discontinued my breakthru med & cut dwn my milligrams of my pain med due to the feds new ruling. I keep asking how the government can legally & ethically get involved in my personal health care. And why must I, a law abiding pain patient, who does not abuse meds, have to suffer due to the fault of the addicts. Not right, not fair or ethical. And who is going to fight for us. I have sent letters to our representatives, to the National Pain Association & to other sites. I received replies from them all, but to no avail. Who is going to do a thing abt it. We just increase the depression medication & save up enough meds, lay in bed til that one day comes & you just cant take it anymore & Boom..pop em all & get it ovr with. I would like to see them suffer in pain, maybe then their attitude would change. Anyway, I hear ya guy, I feel the same way, & we are helpless. All the Best!
Jordan S. Florida is the worst place to be in the years following 2010, there are no more pill mills thank God. Folks coming in numbers like they did hurt Floridians that suffer real pain. I saw it with my own eyes
Well have not had any Morphine or Oxycodone now for 7 days. Hard, very hard. I think the worst part started while on Meds. The SKIN on abdomen is severely hypersensitive. No one seems to have an answer. It is damn near over whelming.
Hi, I got pinned under a loaded tractor trailer 5 years ago. Perforated my colon, I lost 16 inches of my small intestine, my spleen, I've had 4 back surgeries. I now have a plate in my pelvis two titanium rods 6 pins an artificial disc and nerve damage in my left leg and foot. I go to pain management every month, I have been taking Oxycodone 10mg 3x a day. I run out 8 to 10 days early all the time. I work at a truck salvage yard now. I drove a truck for 27 years and I can't be sitting for long periods anymore. It's awful. As of late, I'm getting a sharp pain in my right hip and thigh probably from compensating for a left leg problem. What can I get to help me control my pain? The Dr just keeps refilling same meds and tell me the pain shouldn't be that bad or they tell me to find an easier job. I have a mortgage and two kids I have to work. They (Drs) seem burnt out on dealing with fakers and liars but I need answers. I'm a real working dad. On a good day 10mg 6x works but I don't think they will ever go for it. I need help as the pain leaves me in bed on weekends because I take little to no meds to try to have enough to get through my week. I sometimes think that if this is how it has to be, maybe it's time for me to end it.
I would start right now trying to find a new doc. The VA has alot of pain management drs and id get on it now before ur left with no dr and no meds. I kno its scary bc ive lost pain drs in the past so i feel ya.. Morphine is usually time realeased so thats prolly why it helped u more and lasted longer. Oxycodone is instant release thats why it only helps for a few hrs. Have u thought about asking for a longer acting Rx like methadone...???
I hear your pain. I was a pain patient for 15 yrs. Note "was". Long story. People react to pain medication differently. It's a genetic reason. For instance, I can't take meds from the hydrocodone family of opiates. They don't work. Try to talk with your doctor about this. He or she may listen. Medical websites exist that discuss opiate drug families. Titrating down is out of your hands and most likely, your doctors, too.
Go down south , South Florida , they will give you what you want
:scary: is a good word to use in describing opiate withdrawal..I am a clinical psychologist (no active practice) and thru experience it would be best doing an inpatient medically Assisted detox. in this type of setting patients can be given comfort meds to help with most glaring aspects of abstinence syndrome. there are a number of emotional and behavioral disturbance that are best addressed medically. my dad was placed in a psych ward for a slow gradual dose reduction from 120 mg of oxycodone to 0 mgs. this was a huge favor for all of us as the unit was not licensed for detox and drugs such as suboxone or methadone were not authorized. it's generally accepted that opiate withdrawl is not life threatening and sadly in our state most hospitals turn away those in classic withdrawal symtoms.
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