My Dr. Who Prescribed Me 150mg A Day Of Methodone Since 2000 Quit His Practice. Does Anyone Know A Pain Dr.that Prescribes Methadone In Kansas City (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My Dr. who prescribed me 150mg a day of methodone pill form since 2000. He informed me today it was his last day and quit his practice. Does anyone know a pain Dr.that prescribes methadone in kansas City, Kansas. I a m fighting to save my arms and legs and cannot function without my medicine. I have 9 weeks to find a Dr.before I need more medicine please help.

66 Replies (4 Pages)

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PLEASE post who you are seeing? I am currently about out of my medication I have been cut down to about a 1./3 of my previous dosage. It is not enough! I have 10 days to go before my next appt. And i have 1 day left. No, I am not abusing my med.s I just want to be able to keep my job, and enjoy life. I am scheduled with dr. Mike. (pa) . They fired Faulkner. Mike told me (referring to my severely torn meniscus ,) that his brother had the same thing and he went to physical therapy and took aleve ) (I am a gastric patient I cannot take nsaids) and it healed itself.....B.S.. I have to have it surgically repaired. I am so frustrated...I don't know who to go to for help. I need a dr. Who cares. I am not looking for a pill mill to get a fix. I just want to not be in pain . Withdrawals are hell!!!! Please don't post me a lecture. I am of course physically dependent after taking opiates so long . It's a fact of life, there is a difference between dependent, and abuse. Dr. P. Told me that. He had such compassion, and tried everything to help, and he succeeded. I miss him so much. Have any of his former patients found a good compassionate dr.? Please post .

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Please post, who have you found to be compassionate and care? I am so alone in this, I need help desperately, I need a real honest pain management dr. On kansas city overland park area. ?????

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Wow, your current Dr. really takes his medical ethics and vows seriously if he won't help people that are in pain, overprescribed or not. The truth of the matter is, many people ARE overprescribed even though they have legitimate pain issues. I am on 240mg of ER morphine a day! I'm not HAPPY about that. But I don't know what else to do.

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Where do you go? I'm sick to death of feeling!

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you can find Dr. Kloster at menorah hospital for pain management. 1zero now your text has given me clues as to who you are.

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Thank you. I've been searching , but it's so hard to know for sure...I need to fire my current "pain management", the pain patients are just extra income. No care.

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Who's the dr. I'm in the area. I am on Methadone 10 mg for 15 yrs. and I need a new dr. Something is up with your dr. leaving so soon. sounds like he got into some trouble???

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I go to blue valley surgical center /pain management center. ..they suck! However, since you've been on that dosage for 15 yr they might have mercy on you.

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Don't know if anyone reads this anymore...thought I'd give an update. ...looks like Dr. P. Is joining blue valley surgical....seems like good news yes!!! However...I went for my appt. Today...saw that mother. Fing Mehdi taga....whatever...he proceeds to tell me that the "new policy" for pain clinic is a max daily dose of 100 mg. Of okay...they basically don't give a f*** about anyone's pain...I told him so....if a cancer patients comes in's one size fits all now? He says "I don't know" ...then he tries to get me to see their new "in house" Dr for a surgery I need...I told him I have an appt. With a surgeon I trust already. ...I ask what happens with my pain contract with them when I undergo surgery...he basically tried to blackmail me into going with them by telling me that the surgeon will handle it...I said sure for my surgery...but he's not a pain management dr. He says well...we have macmillian. I actually swore in the office! ! I was so pissed!! I said I am not going to be bullied into a dr I know nothing about to cut me open....he says I'm not trying to bully you. Really. ..they've already proven to me they don't give a s*** about a patient's pain...but I'm going to let them cut me open? Yes. I'd love to be writhing in pain because you can only give "so much" I have had it up to here!!! I deserve.. so does everyone else on here!!! We deserve BETTER!!! I AM SO F***ING ANGRY!!!

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Just to let u out know...dr lane peterson is now at blue valley. He just took over for Marvin faulkner who was fired.. BAD NEW he is towing the new line over there. Patients can only have a maximum of 100 mg. A day of opiates. I did get a very large dose of lyrica added to...he was a little relieved I asked. Dr P looked awful...I could tell he didnt want to see me, kind of hurt me a little. ..we used to joke and talk...he put on probably 50 lb.s in the gut. Got married. Looks very unhappy. I feel sorry for him, but his decisions have made for some of us a living hell. He's trying to talk me into a discography. (Sp?) He said to be honest it'll hurt for a month. ...what? No flipping way!!!! I would rather take a pill than have worse pain the rest of my life so they can make more money. My third visit there at the clinic (prior to dr p) dr mike p.a. comes and tells me how my back isn't all that bad. ...20 minutes later ..dr faulkner completely plays it up so he can do inj's. Same "nurse asst" standing there the whole time. Looking at each other....what? So in a pinch go to blue valley. ..get a little relief. But keep on looking.....dr P is no more!

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You guys are unhappy with the 100mg limit. Ok. But what DRUG is that? 100mg of Fentanyl will kill a stable of horses. 100mg of Darvocet (yes I know its not prescribed here anymore) is little better than an aspirin.

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Hi I'm sorry. Myself I take 20 mg. Oxycontin 3 times a day. And 15 mg. Oxy codone 3 a day. For break through. I am in actually pain . I started with dr. P . Then went to blue valley . Over the next 3 or four mo s they took me from 60mg. Oxycontin 3 x a day and 30 mg oxy codone 6 times a day. Dr faulkner said "it was criminal" what he (dr p) did to us, he refused to see anymore of his patients. Now he's gone. Dr p. There. But dr p is no longer the same. Not even asking for the same levels. But how can you say. ...this is the most mg. Of any opiates we can give....? You have cancer? Too bad. . I've read do much literature about medication therapy better than opening up your back. One dr. Pooh pools my pain. The next wants to do very expensive discography. Help me know where to go please.

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Anyone try PainCare? Very conservative with meds but they seem to listen.

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No I haven't tried pain care. I went back to Faulkner, He's at a different office now. It's "Kansas institute of medicine" Marvin Faulkner M.D.. He's listed under anesthesiology pain management.. It's in Lenexa (KS). He seems so much happier. The shut down at Blue Valley wasn't his fault. They just want to do mostly useless and extremely expensive diagnostics. I asked well...what's the point of the discography?.... The end result.?..."to show us what's wrong" I said, well once you know what's wrong what are you going to do about it? and he said "well we can treat it" I said how? they said "well we can find out if you need surgery", I said well since I never intend on having surgery that has an 80 percent failure rate, what's the point of even having this test done in the first place? dead air. No real answer to that. So I left.

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I also have seen dr Peterson for 3 years. I was told he was setting up a new practice and they would call me. I did not get my medical records. I was told I didn't need them. I had to go back to my physician. he was reluctant to help me at first but at least gave me the benefit of the doubt. unfortunately he is no pain management specialist. I cannot go up on any of my medicine and am barely able to do my job which has me on my feet a lot. I would also like to file a complaint or at least get my medical records. I would've done this before but have just found this page and one more thing I cannot tell you what I went through to get what I'm getting now. I had to go down in my milligrams so far they are barely even helping me. Does anyone know a doctor to go to?

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Dr peterson is at blue valley in Overland park, however they are no longer prescribing "narcotics" at that they call themselves "pain management " I don't know! However dr Marvin Faulkner will. (If warranted) he is at kansas institute of medicine. in lenexa,ks. On Lakeview ave. Good luck

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Dr Marvin Faulkner he is at kansas institute of medicine on Lakeview ave. In lenexa. Don't tell him you want to "go up" in medicine. Tell him you were a long time patient of dr. peterson (he knows and dislikes him, says he "over prescribed") tell them you've been forced to see you family physician because of this, and cannot get your records (he'll definitely understand THAT!) he'll ask what your taking.. explain what even take bottles. ..but while he's still fuming over dr peterson and then lack of your records, tell him you need a pain management dr. Because you are still in so much pain. They will make you take a drug panel before you get in (sometimes 2nd visit) they will help you. And be prepared to explain everything they've already done.. inj's ect. And what diagnostics...x ray ect. He's the type of dr you'll love or hate. I used to hate him. Now I block him lol. Good luck.. let us know what happens. Ps. I was dr. Ps patient about up creek without a paddle. Dr. P is at blue valley now but they will not give any narcotics anymore. They want to do expensive diagnostics and inj's. No way!

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Can someone please help me. My boyfriend is in methadone treatment now. He gets up at 4:30 every morning. He has quite a few medical issues and the lack of sleep is wearing him down. We've decided that getting a doctor to prescribe it would be both easier and cheaper. The only problem is, the methadone makes him have zero appetite so he consumes marijuana to help him eat and helps a little with the nerve issues and such. His clinic lets him but does anyone know a doctor who will allow it?

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Hey so you say ur doctor has you on zohydro? That's what I used to take also till my doc retired and I haven't been able to find another doc since. My back is in so much pain. I've tried so many different prescriptions and none did what zohydro did for me. Idk how ofter you get on here, but when you see this will you please please contact me? {edited for privacy}.. thank you so very much...

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Try dr Marvin Faulkner in lenexa , ks. It's kansas Institute of medicine. Bring in all your medication bottles empty. And records. When your dr. Retired, didn't he give you a referral? Mine didn't either , I was on my own for 2 months until I found blue valley, then followed Faulkner to the new place. Good luck.

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