My Dr Prescribed Me A Brand New Medication For Severe Cough Called Tussicap With A Coupon My Pharmacist Informed Me The Drug 20 Capsules Cost 600


TussiCap is a brand new medication in capsule form. It has 10 mg of Hydrocodone and 8 mg of a drug I'm not familiar with. The drug without inurance in $600.00!!!!!
I got it for 25 bucks

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Wow! I'm very glad that the coupon saved you so much money, that's a crazy price.

The other ingredient is the antihistamine Chlorpheniramine.

The FDA lists the possible side effects to this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, drowsiness and constipation. It also carries the risk of being habit forming.

Is there anything I can help with?

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I have insurance and my doctor wrote me a prescription for Tussi caps. I also gave the pharmacist a discount card so my co-pay would be $25. When I went to pick it up she told me it would be $2000 for 20 pills. So therefore I cannot use or get TussiCaps. It is a disgrace that something that is so helpful for my pluerisy and cough and yet I cannot get it. I used CVS pharmacy.

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