My Doctor Is Trialing Me On Prednisone
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Hi, I have had pain in my L/ R shoulders and then ended up under my feet ie, swelling. I had an operation for Carpal Tunnel in both my wrists in early 2005 it, took them from 2003 to figure that out and I believe due to the waiting for ACC to do all their testing and getting specialists to assess me. In that time I had to use my upper arms/ upper body to, compensate for my wrists and over that time I have ended up with pain in my both my shoulders it, feels llike they're broken. I have been taking Codiene Phos, paracetemol, since 2003 right up until 2 months ago due to it not working at all. Since then I have been taking like 26 pills per day and it wasn't working at all, now today my doctor is trialing me on Prednisone because of the swelling in my shoulders and under my feet, inflamation. It was so sore and I'm pretty sure that I have got RSI in my shoulders because I have a burning sensation as well as pain and there is pain going into my neck and down my back, is there anyone out there that has got the same sickness as me?

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Sorry to read of what everyone is going through.

And yes, that information is correct, any of the steroid class medications can cause serious side effects.

Some of the mild and more common ones can include: nausea, drowsiness, fluid retention and weight gain.

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Does anyone have any comments or questions?

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BTW, The steroids will help. But, they can kill you to. Take them wisely. I take the steroid Decadron when I flare-up with swelling/pain/etc...

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Hi Teo, I would suggest an appt with a Neurologist. Due to the nerve issue ( carpal tunnel ) you could have gotten a neurologicial disorder that only they can diagnose. I too have severe burning on the palms and soles of my feet .
Plus numerous other issues because I have a sympathatic nervous system disorder called: Complex regional pain syndrome. Hope you do not have it but, I got mine because of an injury to my ULNA nerve between the wrist an elbow. I give you my best Teo, LOL

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I have been diagnosed as possibly having fibromyalgia for which I am on daily 4 x 5 mg Trolic (prednisone).Chronic neck and shoulder pain for past thee months, but not much in lower body. Diagnosis will be confirmed by blood tests.

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