Muro Tears Forums
Recently active Muro Tears forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Muro Tears and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi all. Someone put muro tears in my soda at school and I started crying right away and ran home and watched a bad girls club marathon. HELP WHAT DO I DO ## I am currently hospitalized for a severe case of Muro Tears. My symptoms were extreme highs of anger and aggression followed by extreme lows of self doubt and no respect from those around me. Doctors say I will never fully recover, but I feel through medication and Dr. Phil I can one day recover. ## I think my ymca has a sport group on tuesdays and thursdays I'm going to attend so I can surround myself with other sad sacks ## Ha ha ha, very funny everyone! Clearly this discussion thread is a joke. Probably a couple of drunk kids. Does anybody have legitimate questions or information about this product?