Murine Ear Drops Forums

Recently active Murine Ear Drops forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Murine Ear Drops and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I put Murine ear drops into my eye mistaking it for Murine eye drops. I had hard contacts in my eyes. Searing pain! Had a hard time removing the hard lens. It stuck to my eye. Once out, I flushed my eye with eye flush for 15 minutes. 24 hours later my eye is still very sore. I saw a specialist. He said my eye will recover but will be sore for a few days. He gave me a steroid eye drop. Checked out the health of my eyes at the same time. All is now on the mend but still stinging. During the first night a cold pack on my eye was very helpful. Note to self "read labels carefully." ## Hello, Effie! Wow! I am very sorry about what happened. How are you feeling? Eye drops in the ear are okay, but not ear drops in the eye, because they aren't sterile. Just an FYI for anyone else tha...

1 REPLY Updated

bymistake I used Otilan ear drop for eyes. wat shoud i do? ## i accidently put murine ear drops in my eye ## my daughterhas an eye bothering her and i accidently put falcon ear drops in her eye what should i do? its not hurtin g her any worse than what she said it was but i just wanted to make sure. ## i put murine ear wax removal in my eye by accident. realized immediately and flushed with water do i need to go to the doctors ## I put Murine ear drops into my eye mistaking it for Murine eye drops. I had hard contacts in my eyes. Searing pain! Had a hard time removing the hard lens. It stuck to my eye. Once out, I flushed my eye with eye flush for 15 minutes. 24 hours later my eye is still very sore. I saw a specialist. He said my eye will recover but will be sore for a few days. He gav...

4 REPLIES Updated