Ms Contin Er & Doxepin (Top voted first)


I've been on ms contin (morphine er 30 mg) 3 x daily. I was also taking doxepin 100 mg for sleep. Ended up with a massive headache & eye pain. Ended up in the e.r. where a nurse said the doxepin cancels out the morphine. Anyone know about this?

2 Replies

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No, I can't find anything on this, either. Similarly to your other question, this is another case where taking them together causes potentiation of the side effects, though.

Thus, you could experience more intense nausea, dizziness and drowsiness than usual, as reported by the FDA.

The Morphine itself can sometimes cause headaches in some people that take it, so can the Doxepin, so that may also have been potentiated and resulted in the severe headache/eye pain that you experienced, which sounds like it may have been a migraine.

It may be best to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication, rather than the Doxepin.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been taking the morphine for about 4 years & never had a problem but only took the doxepin for a couple weeks. Quit the doxepin cold turkey & reduced the morphine from 3 a day to 1. Think that could have done it? Thanks.

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