Ms Contin, Hydrocodone And Gabapentin


I had seen six doctors that all misdiagnosed my condition and finally one got it right but the insurance company wouldn't pay for any type of treatment other than pain management, so I have been taking different types of medication for a few years now for two bulging discs, degenerate disc disease, and sciatica. Early on I dealt with constipation from the dosage of morphine that I was prescribed, so for the past year I have been taking three 30 Mg of morphine sulfate ER, eight 10/325 Mg Norco, and eight 100 Mg of Gabapentin per day. Unfortunately my body tolerance to the current dosage isn't working like it once did. My approach has been to decrease the amount of medication for two months then go back to my regular dosage, but the last few attempts hasn't helped make the medication work any better. So frankly I was attempting to research to see what others have been prescribed once they took similar medications. I am not looking for the "high" like I have read so much about just trying to find relief from the worst excruciating pain I have ever had to deal with. Thanks in advance for any responses.

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RE: Bulging disk / degenerative disk disorder - Look up Dr. Wallach on youtube. He discusses the root problem of this and the solution. Hard medications take away the pain, but also our ability to think clearly. Since I have followed his advice, I am 100% better. Stretches, yoga, healthy diet and nutrients supplements is the way to go. There is no magic pill, eating and feeling full does not mean that you have provided your body with the nutrition it needs to be healthy and heal itself. Dr Wallach explains all of this. Eating food does not mean that you have provided your body the nutrition it needs, and it is impossible to get all the vitamins and minerals our body needs to stay healthy and repair itself. 5 back surgeries did not heal me, my healing only began when I learned about Dr Wallach; who has put all that a body needs together. There is no miracle drug. What is the primary purpose of eating, to provide our body with nutrition. However, most of equate eating with our taste buds and our taste buds can't think. We have to use our brain and decide what it is best for our health. Medical people are poorly trained on this subject, there is no $$$ in curing people. Healthy people don't see Dr.'s and they don't spend all their money on drugs (medications).

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A lot has changed since originally posting. Some of the main problems I was dealing with were side effects to one of the medication (Gabapentin). Which was leaving me drowsy, unsteady on my feet, and dizzy spells when walking. About a month after posting I was repositioning myself in bed and something in my low back popped followed by excruciating pain throbbing from my lower back down through my right hip extending down to my knee where it stopped and reappeared in my right foot primarily noticed around my ankle and large toe. I had taken my normal dosage two hours before this happened, but couldn't tell that it made any difference in the pain. I fell back on alternative items that have helped with pain in the past with using a tens unit and a heating pad on the affected areas.

Originally in the beginning of this medical nightmare something popped in my back followed by knee crippling pain which lasted for several hours then disappeared. A few days after the first time it happened while getting up from laying on my back on the ground something popped and this pain returned but this time the pain remained constant and consistent for 5 + years until June of this year.
Originally two doctors believed that it was caused by my right hip, so I allowed them to perform a hip scope. The surgeon removed excessive amount of bone from my hip socket which allowed my hip to dislocate constantly. I sought the opinions of 3 doctors all of which said that I had to undergo a total hip replacement to correct the error from the first surgery. I then proceeded to see several doctors to locate the root cause of the original pain.

I visited two back specialists and neither identified any problems with my back and both suggested pain management as a solution. I followed their recommendations and visited a pain management doctor. Which led me down a year long of physical therapy, 13 various inj's. in my back and hip region and finally one inj. hit the sweet spot and relieved my pain completely temporary. At this point he provided a diagnosis, but unfortunately the insurance adjuster denied every treatment option he suggested. They would only provide payment for continued pain management in the form of pain medications. I will say that I wasn't a happy camper and started seeing my PCP (Personal Care Physician) on a regular basis for continued treatment. I didn't see the point in paying for a specialist if the insurance company wasn't going to follow his suggestions even though his opinion was different than these others.

So when making the original post I was at the five year mark of nothing else working and even my PCP was very hesitant about prescribing anything stronger. I was wondering if there was a different approach to resolving my pain that has turned my life upside down. Eventually I decided to figure out what was causing the side effects and stopping that medication completely. Which after a few weeks I learned that Gabapentin was the medication causing more harm than good. Next I informed my doctor of my findings and informed him that the current dosage of morphine wasn't providing the relief it once provided. I reduced from three 30mg extended release to two a day and currently working on weening down to a lower dose that can manage the residual pain I still have.

My life has been on standby since 2012, and since just recently when I experienced the same type of original pain and discomfort in the same areas just from repositioning in bed. Followed by the sick feeling of taking too much medication. I was worried if I continued taking the same dosage of medication and one day I move a certain way that corrects whatever is kinked backed to almost normal. Do I really want to have to jam my leg with the naloxone inj. I have as a safety net, not really!! If I can tolerate a much lower and safer medication then I am all for it. Yea I may have to endure some difficult and painful days, but after everything that I have been through I am just tired of dealing with these medications and some of these crooked physicians!

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