Mox 500 Mg For Dental Treatment (Top voted first)


my tooth was decayed and I was in some pain. I visited a local dentist who suggested me to go for a root canal. He asked me when I can start the treatment and gave me Mox 500mg yellow capsules and some pain killer. The dentist is a young doctor who seems to be competent but I would like to know whether for what purpose this Mox 500mg is for. I am slight confused as I have read some comments about it. Does it help to prevent the tooth from further decay.

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This contains the active ingredient Amoxicillin, which is an antibiotic and it's used to treat various types of infections.

Learn more Amoxicillin details here.

Basically, when you have a tooth that has gotten bad enough to require a root canal, it has an infection in it, so an antibiotic has to be used to eradicate the infection.

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I have severe pain in the dental bridge after 1 week of fixing. Please suggest a remedy.

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Lower jaws ' Gums below inscissors hv swollen.earlier it bleed but today it started paining....i talked to my dentist ovr the phone and he suggested me mox the medicine enough or shall visit a dentist

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