Motoprolol & Hearing Loss
UpdatedI was given Metoprolol Tarta 50 mg. and it says to take one twice a day. I didn't take that much and it made me not be able to sleep like a lot of other beta blockers do. After taking it I woke up the other day and can't hear out of my right ear at all. I heard this medication is a ototoxic and can cause hearing loss. I have an appointment with a ENT doctor day after tomorrow. Has anybody else had this problem? I am now on two other B/P meds that work good and I can sleep good. This not being able ot hear out of my right ear is getting to me. I don't know what the doctor can do to get my hearing back. Hope this isn't permanent. I would appreciate any advice concerning this. Thanks, Nora
5 Replies
There have been others that reported experiencing ototoxicity from taking Metoprolol and other medications in this class, but unfortunately, its not something listed as a side effect, which means no studies have been done to report how commonly it occurs.
Learn more Metoprolol details here.
When do you see the ENT? How many doses of it did you take?
ENT doctor put me on a steroid for my hearing loss. I read a lot of negative things about the medicine. Trying to find an alternative that will clear up my ear. If anybody knows anything let me know. Thanks, Nora
Thanks Heather. I will check into that medication. I know the motoprolol is ototoxic so I stop taking it. Dr. changed me to clonidine hcl and hydralazine. I also think my hearing loss might have been from the otc sleeping pills I was taking that has that ingredient that starts with a d and is a long word. Read it is ototoxic too. I been taking b12, ginko, cats claw, a multable vitiman, saline nose spray, echinacea, blueberry concentrate, beet root, grape seed, extra folic acid, and lactoferrin and my hearing came back yeaterday. I am glad I decided not to take those steroids the ENC doctor perscribed me.
my husband was on the drug also had the same thing with his hearing and blurred vision, he been using water oz Silver
in the ear, and eyes, his hearing is back still gets blurred vision after he eats a meal but it goes away after a short time
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