Morphine Sulfate - Generic For Avinza (Page 3)
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I was in an auto accident 8/21/96 and ever since then I have been dealing with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). For the last 11 yrs I have been on Avinza 270 mg (2 120mg, 1 30mg once a day) by King Pharmaceutical and now my ins company is insisting that a generic is made and sold in the US by Acatavis Elizabeth. I cannot see anything current that it has been released. There is a legal suit between King and Acatavis because it states a generic cannot be released until 11/2017. Generics do not work for me and right now I'm fighting it, but would like to know if it is true about Avinza being made and sold in the US by Actavis. Please let me know if you're able to, I would surely appreciate it. Thank you!

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Hi Lorraine. I'm very sorry that you are having problems. I can't believe the similarities that we go through regarding meds. First the Avinza, and now the Embeda, I'll explain the Embeda similarity. As you know, I was taking Embeda for about two months. The first prescription was filled with no issues. The pharmacy didn't have it in stock, but they were able to get it later that day. I picked it up the next and started it as well. When it came time for the second prescription, it was a very different experience. My pharmacy still didn't stock it and wasn't going to keep it in stock because of the price(by the way I'm used to that with the name brand only narcs). My pharmacy usually gets its meds from a local wholesaler that is very good. It turns out that because of the cost of Embeda, they were only willing to stock one bottle of the 100mg Embeda, which is only 30 capsules. My prescription was for 2 capsules daily, for a total of 60 capsules for the month (2 bottles). The pharmacy tried a wholesaler in Pittsburgh, Pa, wasn't willing to keep any on hand. They told the pharmacy to order the 2 bottles one week in advance so they could have them when I was going to need them. The problem with all of that was that I needed the Embeda in 2 days. Somehow, and I don't know how they did it, the pharmacy was able to find one bottle for me so that I wouldn't be without. The second bottle showed up 10 days later. I don't know how it would have worked out if I had stayed on it, but I completely understand where you are at right now. My pharmacy makes a lot of money from me every month and I believe, that if I was going to be on it long term, they would have kept at least one bottle on hand for me. I hope that you can get it figured out for next time. Maybe a different pharmacy? I know that you are in a bad spot right now, and I wish you the best. I have been where you are and it sucks. I hope you get it solved very soon. Take care and I will be thinking about you. Keep us posted.

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I know what you're going thru and have been thru. In the beginning we were my husband was taking me to Philly and Jenkintown, PA, took about three hrs one way. I could no longer take the trip. The dr then tried me on duragesic patch, but my throat started to close up, no good. I'm having horrible trouble right now. The pharmacy screwed up big time attempting to fill the Embeda on Friday, had to go to my dr and get another script for something else until Embeda comes in today (I hope). The dr's office spoke to a pharmacist, who doesn't know me, but should have had my file up, and told them give ms contin, 100mg twice a day. Problem is have to take it every 8 to 12 hrs, so I'm taking only 100mg at one time. Going thru horrible pain and withdrawal. I really can't take much more of this. The withdrawal is so bad. The medical profession needs to get their act together. I'm so happy to hear you're doing better and that the ms contin is working for you. I'll keep you posted on what happens later on today. I'm praying they get it right this time!!! Take care!!!

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Hi Lorraine. I saw my Doc on 7/13/15 and after talking about the side effects that I felt from the Embeda, we decided that I should stop the Embeda. I requested MS Contin because I took it 2005 with pretty good results. At some point in 2005, I changed Doctors, and the new Doc wanted me to try the patches. (I was seeing a very good pain management Doc in Pittsburgh, Pa, but it was a monthly two hour drive to see him. When I first started with him, he was with West Penn Hospital and I only had to go every three months. When he switched Hospitals, they required monthly visits. Since I am not able to make a two hour trip on my own, my wife had to take off work to take me. Even though she said she didn't mind, she was using all of her vacation time to take me to Doc appointments. That really bothered me and I decided to try a Doc who was closer to me. Believe me when I tell you that she has earned her spot in heaven for going through this with me.) The new Doc put me on the Duragesic patches, Fentanyl is the generic patches. These were the best pain control that I have ever had, but they made me sweat terribly, and my body absorbed them way to fast. After the patches, he put me on the Avinza, and you know the rest of that story. Back to the present, I requested the MS Contin, and he put me on 120mg (2 ea. 60mg tablets) twice daily. That gets me back to the 240mg daily that I was on with the Avinza. It's only been a few days, but the results so far are better than what I expected. The pain control is equal to the Avinza, just not as smooth of release. I'm not sure if the brand MS Contin is still being made or not, I may have to look into that. My pharmacy is very good with me and is already ordering a few different generic's for me to try. Enough about me, how are you making out with the Embeda? I think it's been about a month for you, are you going to see if you can get the dose increased? I sincerely hope that you can get back to the pain control that the Avinza provided you. It seems like we have another person, Eric, who is also suffering because Avinza is off of the market. I'm hoping that the generic works for him if that's what he decides to try. Please keep me updated with your progress.

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Hi Eric, hope to hear you're feeling better! We definitely know how you're feeling. I know what you mean about the Avinza. I was on it since 2003 for RSD. Several months ago the pharmacy told me King Pharmaceutical was no longer producing the Avinza. The pharmacy replaced it with a generic form morphine sulfate from Actavis Elizabeth, with horrible results. Yanni is the one who told me about Embeda another form of Morphine produced by King Pharmaceutical. I'm on 200mg instead of the 270mg of Avinza. I may need it upped, but I'm trying to deal with it. I also take oxycodone for breakthrough pain. The mgs are different with the Embeda and that's why I'm not on the 270mg, why my dr didn't get a little closer to what I was taking is beyond me, but I'm dealing. I would ask the your to try the Embeda, it can't hurt. Good luck and keep us posted!

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Hi Eric. Everyone here understands exactly what you are up against. Hopefully the info on this site from the rest of us will help you as you move forward. Most of us here were in love with the brand Avinza as well. I sincerely hope that you do well with the generic version. Keep us posted and GOOD LUCK!!

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Same out of stock issue here in the North Atlanta Area. Driving 50-60 miles to fill my monthly PX. Now it seems I'm at the end of the road on 60MG pill. None left so I guess it's time to see if this generic will give me a satisfactory result. Scared but it's time to bite the bullet. Been on Avinza since 2005 and I can't say enough good about it. This silly littl epill seems to know when to release more pain relief when you need it. Strange, I know but it's since 2005 I haven't missed work and remain about 90% active. I still remember the days before I started Avinza....Heating pad, Ice packs , more Roxi....ugh!

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Hi Yanni, I hope you're feeling better. I've never had high blood pressure until the pain level goes up, mine is usually low. Only this morning, I checked the Embeda bottle and noticed that it was from King Pharmaceutical, same manufacturer of Avinza. I can't believe I let that one slip by me. I'm still tired at times on it and still in pain, some days are better then others. I'm going to try and stick with the 200mg, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it that way this winter. Hot, humid days are killers, so taking it one day at a time. I have to thank you, because my dr would not have suggested anything. I really do need to seek a dr who knows RSD really well and not afraid to treat me. Hope your days are painless or at least bearable. Please let me know how you make out at your doctor's. Take care and good luck!!!!

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Hi Lorraine. Thank You, but there is no need to thank me as I am happy to pass on the information to people who really need it. It sounds like the Embeda is helping you even though you need it increased. I am happy to hear that. I know what you mean about the different generic brsnds. I also have had trouble with certain brands of oxycodone. I already monitor my blood pressure and take meds for it. High bp runs in the family, but mine tends to climb higher as my pain increases. My Dr appointment was changed until next week. Please keep us updated about your experience with the Embed a. I sincerely hope you continue to do well with it.

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Hi Yanni, I'm sorry the Embeda is not working for you. I do feel tired also, but not as much as when I was on the morphine sulfate by Actavis Elizabeth. My heart isn't racing or slowing down and beating very hard with the Embeda. I'm also still in pain all the time too. Living in Jersey I know what you mean about the humidity, it's a killer. I was on 270mg of the Avinza and morphine sulfate, but only 200mg on Embeda, it's not enough. I have to thank you again for letting me know about the Embeda, because my doctor certainly was of no help. I'm going to see if he will up the dose also, because I'm taking more of my breakthrough meds to cope. I feel like I'm constantly tasting salt in my mouth and it's partly from the Embeda and I know it's from the oxycodone. I cannot take this certain generic oxy from Rhodes Pharm. I get the severe headaches like you're getting, feeling very sick to my stomach and very salty taste in my mouth. Ask your doctor about the ingredients in the generic because when I checked online one of the fillers was a type of sodium. I also hate being changed constantly with these meds. What they don't seem to understand is by changing constantly the generics the fillers are different and I definitely see that they do not agree with either Avinza or Embeda. Have your pressure checked too because of the sodium content I think that's why we're getting the headaches, nauseousness and I'm feeling like someone is dumping a pound of salt in my mouth. Good luck, I hope your doctor either ups the Embeda or changes it for you! Feel better and please let me know how you make out!!!

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Hi Lorraine. I am curious to know what you think of the Embeda. I hope it is working for you. I see my Doc this week and I think I am going to ask to try something else. I truly believe that the Embeda would control my pain like the Avinza did if we increased the Embeda to 240 mg per day, which is what I was taking of the Avinza. I can't seem to get over this tired feeling with the Embeda. I am hoping that the Embeda is working for you.

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Hi Lorraine. I'm honestly not sure about the Embeda yet. If I stay with it, the dose will need to be increased. The humidity in Pa has been horrible over the past two weeks and the unsettled weather has always affected my pain levels. I'm hoping for a few consecutive nice days before I ask the Dr. to increase the dose. I've noticed a few side effects that I'm not happy with, but they could be because the dose isn't correct yet. What I have found is that I am very tired, some nausea, sweating, and a dull headache. These symptoms seem worse about every three hours. So after taking the Embeda, in about three hour increments, these symptoms increase. I'm thinking that the drug is releasing about every three hours. If that's the case, the Avinza released more evenly.Even on the Avinza, I would have similar symptoms when my pain would increase. So the symptoms are not new to me, and I'm not sure yet if they are present because the dose isn't correct and my pain is increasing, or if it's the Embeda. I will say that I am thinking it's the Embeda because of how tired I am. Increasing and constant pain definitely makes me tired, but this tired feels different. This is why I hate changing my pain meds. There are too many variables that come in to play and there is always an adjustment period for me when my meds are changed. Even after all of my complaining, the Embeda is still better than the generic Avinza and that is a very good thing. Please let me know what you think of the Embeda after you get started. Good Luck!

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Hi Yanni, how are you making out on the embeda? I went to my dr yesterday and requested the embeda. I'm usually on 270mg of the Avinza/morphine sulfate, but since there is no 270mg he gave me 200mg. I'm not sure if this is going to be strong enough, but tomorrow it comes in to my pharmacy and I start taking it. I hope it works, I'll let you know how it effects me. Thanks for everything! I sincerely hope it is working for you!!!

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I take 90 avinza and no longer can get it generics don't work I had a allergic reaction to it why can't they continue to make name brands for those who need it or choose it

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I understand completely! The politicians/government just doesn't care. They are so worried about who is using the drugs illegally that the people who need it (us) get screwed. I go to my doctor tomorrow and I'm going to fight to change my meds to what I think may help and then off to the pharmacy I go, which is even a bigger headache. I don't know who to believe anymore, very, very sad. Good luck!

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Just went to Wikipedia and to the FDA doc which basically states that a generic can have from 80% to 125% equivilancy of the innovator product. So basically it can work 20% less or 25% better - since pharmacies (especially big-box type) generally purchase the cheapest generic with little or no consideration for quality the generic manufacturer can change monthly. How are physicians supposed to regulate the dose a patient receives? Be FORCED to use Pfizer's Embeda if they want consistent results. Which med does not work for me - seems to absorb better or worse depending on what i eat or how i feel. grr! Physicians should not have their hands tied by polititians.

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I am very grateful for your time and thoroughness researching the difficulty filling prescriptions for Avinza. I take 60mg 3x per day, doc wrote it so when I am having a very tired day from Lupus and am in bed I don't have to take the full dose. Also if I am going to be driving I can take only 2 instead of 3 and it increases my alertness. I think my neuro knew this was coming down the line - he tried me on Kadian and Embeda a couple of years ago - basically he said it was because Kadian came in a 50 mg and it was a smaller jump than going from my 45mg 3x to 60mg 3x - but something in the Kadian caused indigestion - I was belching a lot and it tasted like paint thinner, it didn't seem to work as well or last as long. My husband also takes Avinza and he got his filled generic a month ago, he has been in pain ever since.
We also tried Embeda when it came out and got VERY inconsistent results - some days it seemed to work, others not, and it also did not seem to last the full 24 hours (but then we didn't feel Avinza did quite 24 hours which is why my doc started me taking 2caps and then 3x times per day).
I know it is a backward measure, but with the Embeda I noticed that I was having more stomach cramping and less constipation, but again it was inconsistent. I also had some stomach upset, thought not as much as with Kadian (brand). And lets face it - if one narcotic analgesic causes you to have constipation ANY equivilent medication will duplicate the side effect as well as the relief. Indicating to me that my perception of less pain relief was NOT just subjective to switching medication.
My question is this: What else is out there that has the same or closest similar INACTIVE ingredients, same or similar method of time release technology?
Also, my husband was told by a pharmacist that a new law was passed reducing the restrictions on generics - that previously they must deliver an "equivalent dosage" of the active ingredient with a +/- of 5% but that the margin of is now +/- 20 %. That's a BIG difference! That means that one capsule could be 20% stronger than my 60mg Avinza, and another could be 20% weaker - so if my pharmacist switches generic brands on me my dose could go up or down 40% from the brand that I am used to taking!

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Hi Lorraine, I was taking 240 mg a day of the Avinza. I asked my Doctor to start me with a smaller amount of Embeda because I never know how a new medicine will react with the other meds that I take. I am taking 200 mg of Embeda a day (one 100 mg capsule twice a day) and it's far better for pain control than the generic Avinza. I am going to need the 200 mg of Embeda increased and will have it bumped up to the 240 mg at my next appointment. So far, the only difference between brand Avinza and Embeda is that i feel a little tired on the Embeda, but that could be due to the fact that the smaller dose isn't controlling the pain as well. I highly recommend the Embeda and hope that you have good luck with it as well. Please let me know what you think of it once you get started.

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Yanni, what was your strength of the Avinza? I take 270 mg a day. I checked on the Embeda and for me it would be either a little higher dose or a little lower. How is it working for you? Praying it works for you. Take care!!

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Hi Yanni, thank you so much about the info on Avinza and Embeda. I go to my neurologist on Tuesday and I'm going to request my script be changed to Embeda. I'm also having major problems with the generic brand of oxycodone/roxicodone. Every time I find a generic brand I can tolerate they fill a couple times and then I get told they no longer can get it from this particular pharmaceutical company/supplier. I was getting it from KVK Tech, no great, but helped. Now they are filling it with Rhodes Pharm, which I get deathly sick from. I e-mailed Pfizer asking if they produce oxy or roxi generic, but no answer. Will let you know I how make out with Embeda. Again thank you so much for the info, really appreciate it.

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Hi Tina, I just saw my Doc and got a prescription for Embeda. I will let you know what I think of it and how it compares to Avinza for me. I am hoping for the best.

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