Morphine Sulfate Er 15 Mg Nausea (Top voted first)


Has anyone out there taken this drug twice a day and had persistent nausea??? I thought I'd adjust to the nausea, but it's persistent. Anyone got any advice for me to help with this persistent nausea.? I'm also weak and sleepy.

8 Replies

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Hello Betty,

According to the [1] NIH, nausea and vomiting is the most common side effect of this medication, greater than 10% of users who administered this medication experienced these adverse reactions.

Good news is other users who have taken this medication say that it gets better with time, but the bad news is I couldn't find any medical documentation that states how long on average this time frame is. I feel like if you have these symptoms so often that it's become a problem for your way of life it would be best to discuss it with your doctor and see if there is anything they can do for you.

I hope this helps a little. At least it lets you know that it's not just you.

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Yes I hated that medication. I took phenergan/promethazine (sp?) for nausea, but it’s super sedating so it didn’t help my quality of life. Reglan seems to be less sedating. It took at least 6 months for me to get used to the 15 mg of morphine.

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A lot of times you can get the doctor to prescribe you finagrin or promethazine to help the nausea I'm surprised they actually didn't advise it right away most of them in the pain Management Field will give it to you just because they prescribe the morphine

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I find it amazing that anyone can tolerate that drug and you should not take an additional drug to deal with the side effects unless you can't find an option with fewer side effects.

Switch to oxycodone. It's the same drug but the side effects are insignificant by comparison.

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Its weird because I haven't have nausea at all, and i take that one plus the 60 mg of er

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My husband and I are on 60mg ER 2 x day. Med caused my GERD to act up. My husband and I frequently feels nauseous. We were put on Zantac twice a day. Pepcid stopped working for me. A teaspoon of baking soda in 8 oz of seltzer or water helps too. We were on Methadone for 20 years and when we moved to Florida the PM doc took us off of it. Methadone worked so well without side effects such as nausea, tiredness, lethargy and irritability-present MS Contin side effects. Anyone who knows of any PM doctor that prescribes Methadone around So. Florida, pls let me know. I hope you feel better. Wish I could be more helpful.

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Re: NikkiNow (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUGGESTIONS - I will try the zantac, baking soda, pepcid. I eat a little something before i take it (only 15 mg ER) and can't believe how it messed up my stomach so bad!!! This site is so helpful. Thanks again


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Re: Eric (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

The dr prescribe it to me its not that i take it for take it, and i don't have side effects on this medications.

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