Morphine Sulfate Er 15 Mg & Adderall


Can you take Morphine Sulfate ER 15mg with Adderall? I'm scared as hell!... My Dr. pushed the Morphine on me over taking just Hydrocodone 10/325... & this concerns me :/

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My doc insisted on switching me from 5-325 Norco to Morphine Sulfate as well, and it was the WORST thing that's happened to me, EVER. He felt that it was best to switch to the supposedly long-acting Morphine rather than increase my dose of Norco (I had been on the lowest possible dose of Norco--5-325--for about EIGHT years, so this would have been the very first dosage increase in all those years. It's certainly not like I had kept asking for more pills or bigger doses or anything but none the less, he felt it was better to switch to Morphine instead of slightly increasing the Norco.) Morphine is SUBSTANTIALLY STRONGER than Norco. A low dose of Morphine is WAY more powerful--AND SOOOO much more physically addictive--than even a really HIGH DOSE of Norco. Funny thing is, when I first started the Morphine, I didn't even FEEL it, really. BUT after a few short days taking it, I skipped a day, and then I realized what a powerful drug it really is. When you stop taking it you will get VERY, very physically and mentally sick. You can't just stop taking Morphine. Personally I could take Norco ONLY when needed (for back pain) and if I didn't take it, nothing bad would happen. If I try stopping the Morphine I can't--It's so physically addictive that you'll get really sick and you'll be sick for many days but actually even longer than that! It is one step away from being on H in terms of how addictive it is and how you need medical help to get off it. Let me make clear: I do NOT feel high off it and I do not take more than prescribed. But yet it's still impossible to stop taking it as-prescribed since within 24 hours or less, I start getting sick; for a couple days I can't wake up; then for 3 days I cannot sleep NO MATTER WHAT; I can't keep still; I can't do anything but go from my bed to the bathroom and back, hour after hour, and my bones and muscles get extraordinarily tense like my body feels like it's going to fracture into pieces; and mentally the depression and irritability is indescribable. My doctor felt that Morphine would be better because since it's a longer-acting drug, it's theoretically less PSYCHOLOGICALLY addictive than an instant-release pain med like Norco. Let me tell you, all it takes is willpower to get off of something you're psychologically addicted to. But this PHYSICAL addiction that Morphine causes is WAY beyond willpower. Your brain literally goes haywire when you stop feeding it the Morphine. I cannot plead with you enough to do anything you can to stay with the Norco and not to switch to Morphine. Morphine will be a huge regret on so many levels, I can't begin to stress that enough. Btw I am a 45-year-old and have enough experience to know what I'm talking about. Please do yourself a favor and don't insist on learning this the hard way! Regarding mixing it with Adderall--I used to be on Adderall and had no problems with the drug combination. In fact on the contrary, I definitely felt that the Adderall worked a lot better and smoother in combination with either Norco (when I was prescribed that) or Morphine (which I started instead of the Norco). You should ask your own doctor too though about ensuring it's not an unsafe combo. In my experience, Adderall was also very hard to quit (though nothing like the Morphine!) and you should encourage your doc to think twice before switching your Norco to Morphine bc that will mean you're on TWO meds both of which are some of the hardest to get off of. I hope this helps a bit and I'm sorry if I come off as lecturing you or anything. BTW are you on Adderall XR or IR? Just curious--I hated the XR--It felt like a roller-coaster and ironically, the IR version had less ups-and-downs for me. Best wishes to you :-)

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Re: BusyBea (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with what is stated above. My doc did the same exact thing to me! I have stage 4 endo and IC. I ran out of my pills once and it was hell. I so hate my doc for that, but I was on the same dosage as the lady above. They told me 30 500s was too much but here is 60 morphine a month! I don't misuse them and I do not feel high off these. I so wish I could go back in time and tell him to f off! But im stuck now bc norco's don't work anymore bc the morphine is stronger or something idk.

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