Hope this helps!
Round white pill with the markings 54 262 on it, I'm trying to make sure that it is what is in my bottle. I think they were switched so I am trying to identify to save me a trip to the pharmacy.
What is the difference in sustained release morphine compared to extended release
Doctor told me to half my 30 mg. MS-CONTIN but the package said this pill should not be split. It is a small mauve pill....
I am having trouble with my vision, I just increased from 1800 mgs a day to 2400 mgs per day ## That is quite a high dos...
My question concerns drug conversion. The Fentanyl works well, most of time, for my chronic pain, but my insurance now s...
I've be taking a larger amount 30 mg for approx a week or so and i am having more trouble swallowing than usually an...
54252 ## In one place you have the number as 54262, and in another it says 54252. If your pill is a pale yellow, round p...
Its round on one side, has the split on the other side, has 54262, and looks i guess white. ## Based on the description ...
Just got out of 15 day stay in hospital for Sepsis,Cellulitis. I am 64 and a disabled Veteran. Dr gave me Percoset 5/325...
How different is Morphine Sulfate 30mg E 653 from a 30mg perocet, and is it dangerous to take it like its a percocet or ...
I was px morphine 30 mg sulfa but no pharmacy carries it in los angeles ca does any one or does someone now a pharmacy t...
Just prescribed for on Morphine Sulfate SA. Would like to know to what effect this will be different from 4-10 mg hydroc...