Montair Lc Kid Syrup And Relent+ Syrup
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My 2-year-old boy is having sneezing, runny nose and coughing. He was advised to have Montair LC kid syrup 5ml every night for 2 months. He got a cold again, a little less intensive, with sneezing and running nose. Now the doctor has advised Relent+ syrup, 3ml twice a day. Is it ok to take to take these both (Montair LC kid syrup and Relent+ syrup) together?

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My 3 and a half year old daughter has been catching a cold and cough frequently (2 times in the past month)... Recently her body was on the warmer side but there was no temperature. It happened 3 times in 6 days. After the 7th day her body was hot and she got a temperature...

Her doctor prescribed Azithral 200 antibiotics + Relent. It was recommended that she take Azithral for 5 days, but 1 mL Azithral was left out of a 15 mL bottle and also Relent got skipped in the middle of her regimen and her cough increased.

I consulted another doctor who prescribed Chericoff junior and Montair lc kid syrup.

Is it safe to use Montair lc kid syrup? Please advise.

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This syrup is very dangerous. This syrup is so much concentrated and thick that it has stuck in my one year old baby's throat multiple times and once was left grasping for breathe and was taking to emergency, but he was okay later on. This has became regular incident with him when he takes this medicine. He takes other medicine with ease. Now I have stopped using this syrup, it has became life threatening

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Can I give montair lc kid and half a tablet of relent together to my 9 years old girl?

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Is Montair LC Kid syrup administered/prescribed in USA health centers?

In India, the medicine is advised for children suffering from a severe cold with breathing problems...

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Can montair lc be given to a 3-year-old for a runny nose? Or should it be given for immunity when the cold goes away? Please advise.

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Hai my son 19mnths old he is Dr gave montair lc kid syrup 4ml in n8 by mistake I have given 2 times morning n afternoon ... it will be a problem for him r esl not side effects will be there to him

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My 3 and half month old baby has had a cold continuously running for 1 and half months. Will this help?

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Aavya is a 5 month old baby girl suffering from cough since 10 days. I use PCM Syrup and then motair lc kid syrup for daily dosage but there is no relief..... Please help me...

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my son is 1.5 yrs old. he has running nose and cough can I use montair LCD kid and sinarest together

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