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I have had a total knee replacement and I need a suitable anti-inflammatory. Unfortunately, I can't take Celebrex because it is a sulfur drug, and Mobic makes me feel ill. Meloxicam makes me feel unwell too, and Xefo causes my heart to race. I am unsure of a safe anti-inflammatory medication to use, as I'm experiencing a lot of pain in my knee. Can you help with any suggestions? I have Vimovo, which contains Naproxen, but it has so many side effects that I am too scared to take it. ## Try Duexis. It's best for the tummy.
my provider has started me on this medication for arthritis in my knees she says it may take up to 10 days before i feel relief has anyone found this to be true. ## I just started taking mobic and I really can tell a difference. I am 37 and just found out I have arthritis in my lower back, I toss and turn all night due to lower back pain. My doctor perscribed mobic and I sleep much better, no more pain! ## By the way, I felt the improvement the first night! ## It took about 3 or 4 days to experience some relief. I'm 35 and in excruciating pain most of the time, but this has reduced some of the paricularly mind-bending stints of pain, though not all. It has not eliminated the need to be on other pain meds, as well. I've been living with pain throughout all my body from head to to...
I just took a Diurex and a mobic within minutes of each this a problem? ## My mother takes mobic on a periodic basis. She has also begun to take magnesium supplements in hopes of relieving muscle cramps. Should we be worried about a drug interaction? ## I didn't find any interactions, or warnings listed, but it is always best to double check with your doctor, or pharmacist to be sure, since they may be aware of information that hasn't been listed in the databases, yet. Mobic contains the active ingredient Meloxicam, it's a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever, and swelling. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach irritation, and increased risk of bleeding. Are you on any other...
Does Mobic "go" with Suboxone. I take Sub for RLS and have a bad headache. Wondering if mobic will be effective. Thanks ## Based on my research there are no drug interactions found between the active ingredients in Mobic and Suboxone; deeming them safe to take together. Mobic (Meloxicam) is generally indicated for symptoms associated with arthritis, so I'm not sure how effective it will be in alleviating a bad headache or RLS. Perhaps a more natural remedy like peppermint or lavender essential oil would be helpful for the headache, but for RLS I'd consider trying chamomile tea at night along with some medical marijuana (depending on what state you're living in). I just find natural options to have less side effects and more therapeutic benefits. I hope this helps! ##...
Has anyone had hair loss after taking Mobic? ## I've been losing tons of hair the past month and just read this. My hairdresser said it's probably either stress or all the meds I'm on for an arthritic condition. I started taking Mobic at the end of February and am now wondering, because of your e-mail, if that is the culprit for all this hair loss. Have you found a definitive answer to the hair loss question yet? ## I started Mobic 3 months ago and am losing lots of hair each day. Mobic works great but will be bald soon if I cannot stop this. Any suggestions? ## I ended up being taken off Mobic because of drop in blood count and slow gastro bleed (had been taking Feldene for about nine months prior), so I can't take any anti-inflammatories anymore...not even OTC Motrin. ...
Does Mobic cause hair loss? I am losing lots of hair in brush, washing and on clothes. ## I started Mobic 3 months ago and it works great but am also losing a ton of hair. All I hear is quit taking this drug. Any other suggestions? ## I started taking Meloxicam over 6 weeks ago and now I am losing hair like crazy I wish I had know of this side affect before hand now I am fighting to reverse this night mare , will no longer take Mobic after I researched it to find others were experiencing the thing. ## Yes, the FDA does list this as being a possible side effect of this medication. Other side effects may also include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation. There are other medications you can try that may not cause hair loss, you each might want to ...
yellow round tablet flat on both sides imprint on one side cor 175 yellow round tablet very small flat on both sides zc 25 imprinted on one side round yellow not flat par on one side 850 on other side all are supposed to be generic mobic ## Corepharma lists the tablet with COR 175 as containing 7.5mgs of Meloxicam, which is a generic for Mobic. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that is used to treat pain, fever, and swelling. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding, headache, and stomach irritation. However, I have not been able to find any listings for the PAR 850 tablet. Is anyone familiar with this one?
I am taking 7.5 mg of mobic once a day and my dr. increased the dosage to 15mg. once a day. Wouldn't it be better to take 1 7.5mg in the a.m. and another 7.5mg in the early evening ? ## My question is the same as Jan's. Can I take 7.5 mg bid for better relief and coverage. I take 15 mg in am and then by night time, the pain is severe again and I cannot sleep. ## yes you can take 1 7.5 in the am and one in the pm. In doing so you will be able to keep the med in your system and it will work threw out the day versus it only helping for part of the day. Also it takes up to three week for a med to be in you system well enough to help you actually start to feel the full effects. ## It really depends on what works for you, I split up most of my medications and take them more than once ...
## i want to know what this pill does, and what it is. ## Been waiting for information on Mobic 7.5mg for ages, why is it taking so long? ## Steve, Sorry that it has taken so long to list this medication; As you can imagine we can get quite backed up with very many drug submissions. We are continuously working on upgrading our site to provide the most valuable experience for our visitors. Mobic has been added to the drug listings. If you need any other information please let us know. Thank You! ## Mobic has 2 compositions: 7.5 and 15mg. It is used as treatment for some diseases (eg: painful osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylittis). ## I'm taking Mobic (meloxicam) 7.5mg for my knees. I would like to know if it's a steroid? Thank you for an answer.
Is Mobic-Meloxicam a pain medication? ## From what I was able to gather Mobic-meloxicam is an nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and is used to treat arthritis. It works by reducing pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Can mobic be administered in IV form? My sister is an addict and I don't want her to, so I need to know what the risks are and what I need to watch for?
Hi I am a migraine suffer! I just turned 33 in July, and I didn't start getting migraines until last year right before I turned 32, I went to the ER three times last year because the migraines we're lasting up to four days at a time, I get the Aurora lights/blurry vision, In the hospital I was prescribed Fiorecet without codien in it and it worked really well! I am now prescribed Mobic 7.5 mgs as needed for headaches/migraines and it helps but I feel I should combined it with Fiorecet, my question is which Fiorecet works better for bad migraines? With/without codien? ## Hello, Steffy! How are you? There is no way to say which one works best, since we are all different, it really depends on what works best for you. Some people do great with the regular Fioricet, some people don...
It's not a Percocet opiate or any other narotic! It is a basic muscle relaxer. Somas work the best for muscle problems. Don't let them say no or screw u. You will barely notice anything from this substitute!!!! ## Mobic is not a muscle relaxant, it contains the active ingredient Meloxicam, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation. Is there anything I can help with?
Because last January my two ankles were swollen and I have heel pain. I've undergone different laboratory diagnostics and x-ray's and my rheumatologist told me that I have a reactive arthritis. In my last appointment she gave me ferrous fumerrate and vit d2, along with mobic. When I asked a pharmacist he recommend neurobion forte.
UpdatedIs Mobic a substitute or equivalent drug to Norco? ## Hello, Tracey! How are you? No, it is definitely not. Mobic contains the active ingredient Meloxicam, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation. However, Norco is classified as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?
What vitamins interact with Mobic? Does ubiquinol interact with Mobic? ## @Equinox, According to The University of Maryland Medical Center /'s drug interaction checker, there aren't any interactions between Mobic (Meloxicam), Ubiquinol, and a typical full-spectrum multivitamin supplement. This doesn't necessarily mean no interactions exist - However I tend to trust information from Universities where you can cross-reference this information and make that decision for yourself. If still in doubt, I'd encourage you to discuss these concerns with your doctor just to be on the safe side. Hope this helps!
I can't be any more specific than that. But thank you maybe I am not seeing the numbers right ## Hello, Michelle! How are you? If you flip the pill, is it possible that it's actually a 15, rather than 87? I think what you've found is a tablet manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim that they list as being a 15mg Mobic tablet. The active ingredient is Meloxicam and the FDA classifies it as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.
I apologize. I need to correct a date. I have been on Mobic since April 30. With Mobic, I noticed some relief immediately. The only problem I have had from Mobic at all is stomach upset if I do not eat enough food when taking it. I have found that if I eat half a banana, take the Mobic pill, then eat the rest of the banana and then drink the required water I have zero stomach issues at all. It has been a tremendous help, but I noticed most of the impact in the very beginning of starting the prescription. I am hopeful that, with time, it continues to improve my condition. I am also hopeful that it may work in combination with Lyrica, but the side-effects worry me. From what I have read of the experience of others, it seems that those who experience side effects so early on do not fare well.
UpdatedFound a little ovel pill what looks to be upside down m on one side and the number 15 on the other looking at the pill like this turn it around it looks like a w in bold lettering can u help me please ## Hi Martie, What color is this pill you're describing? If it's yellow, it fits the description of a 15mg Mobic (Meloxicam) tablet, commonly used for pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. The correct marking is "M" on one side and "15" on the other. However the "M" can look like a W depending on which way you hold it. I would say it's a pretty bold font face as well. For added verification, the manufacturer is listed as Boehringer Ingelheim, and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 0597-0030. Lastly, the pill measures approximately 11.00...
This my third attempt for an answer. I have been on Mobic since April 2014. Also Lyrica increased from 300 to 600 daily since August2014.I've gained weight also have off and on ankle/feet swelling. Now for 2 weeks my calfs are aching. Is one or both meds the problem Help ## Hello, Marie! How are you? I am very sorry that it's taken several posts for you to get an answer. The Lyrica is the most likely culprit of the weight gain, it is well known to cause it as a side effect, along with nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and mood swings. As to the swelling, I'd have to say that is most likely from the Mobic, since nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories can cause the fluid retention that causes edema. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding an...
I am taking meloxicam 7.5 for RA and I feel great, I came back to a normal life, now the doctor tells me that I can have a heart attack as a result from taking this medication, is this a possibility based on the fact that it elevates the blood pressure or the fact is that it hamrs the heart? So confused, If I stop taking the only medication that has been helping me, probably I will be in a wheel chair soon. ## Hello, Gonza! How are you? Meloxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, so yes, there can be risks associated with long-term use of it. It may elevate your blood pressure, which could create the risk of a heart attack, stroke or congestive heart failure. It also creates the risk of developing liver damage or failure. What other medications have you tried? There are other options...