Mnacortil 20 For Severe Pain? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have swelling and severe pain on my right ankle.
Dosage: 2 days three tabs, then 2 days 2tabs and last 2days 1tab.

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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Mymother is having vasculites, she is not able to walk properly and doctors are saying to have omnacortil 20 but they have side effect eg muscles weakening.....then why should they give steroids even cointaing many side effect

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I'm suffering from the same face swelling. If u know of a treatment for face swelling please mail me {edited for privacy} or help me here.

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I am 46 year old kidney transplant patient since sept .2011 I take omnacortil 10 mg OD after one year I have suffering from glucoma both eye side,ostio palleses knee and dry cough whooping cough also what stop omnacortil reduced dos what can I do please suggest me how can save side effect of this drug.

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I was prescribed omnacartil for treating disc edema. Dosage was 20 mg BD first week, followed by 20mg OD second week and 10mg OD for 3rd week and 5mg for 4th week. I have developed swelling in both feet and legs, acute joint pain, drowsiness, etc. It is now more than one and half months since the drugs was stopped, but the swelling and pain have not subsided. Will this swelling and pain subside, if so, after how much time?

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