Mixing Methamphetamine And Klonopin (Top voted first)


Are there any dangerous drug interactions if the two are taken together?

8 Replies

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Mixing is not a very a good idea... But from experience Koloipin Is the best thing have when coming down.. Right before you finally go to sleep after your 57 hour weekend. It helps curve the "hang over" As I'm no doctor I have clue if this could cause any serious issues in the future... I just speak from experience.... Oh and make sure you have nothing to do for the next 27 hours you'll probably sleep right through them..

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Been doing it daily for about 6 years, i wouldn't suggest it.

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How about a reply from an MD who prescribes Klonopin and amphetamines in combination. Klonopin is probably the best oral benzo for Panic Attack Disorder and a few other things. It replaced Xanax as my Drug of Choice for both GAD and PAD. Now, although I use amphetamines for other purposes (usually DOC is Dexedrine, d-amphetamine; Rx methamphetamine is still "on the books" at Abbott Labs, but they simply aren't shipping. Abbott had enough of a bad rap with Nembutal years ago. They're not stupid. Only a call from a Federal District Judge got Abbott to release a couple of hundred pills because a high school friend's kid ONLY would respond to methamphetamine.) That said, one of the first lines of defense in treating "Tx-Resistant Depression" or "Refractory Depression" is to ADD Dexedrine to the drug cocktail. Sometimes the existing cocktail contains Klonopin. Unless you're talking massive doses, there's no harm. Methamphetamine is more potent mg-per-mg than Dexedrine, they both are amphetamines. This info may not be valid if you're taking hundreds of mugs in bootleg, toxic homemade methamphetamine.

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Wanna compare Valid and Reliable research studies. Smart money is on getting more live insurance. The poster who detailed all the crap in bootleg home cooked methamphetamine is 100% correct medically. When was the last time you had a thorough checkup with FULL bloods (which include liver and kidney functions) at all. How about the condition of your teeth? Your skin? Don't post what clearly are lies. This s*** is too important.

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You never could be an MD or a DO. Common sense is required. Ian, give if I played it by ear with Prozac, amphetamines, Ritalin, SSRIs, SNRIs, the Z-Drugs, benzodiazepines and especially the AAPs and the old school APs, I'd deserve to lose my license and DEA Registration. These drugs are too powerful to "take this and see what happens." When I was in college, a freshman boy and I were partying with marijuana and he noticed a bottle of Seconal 100mg Pulvules. (Another friend''s Dad was a doc and very understanding on my sleep disorder). The other boy had never seen "real" Seconal and when he asked me what they were, I told him, adding that they're not found very much on the street. Lilly had a pretty effective anti-diversion unit. When I asked him why he was so interested, he said, "I just took three." I as 1st year Med and I'd taken a number of sleep meds. I knew three wouldn't kill him, but he had been drinking. There was and still is NOT an effective antagonist for barbiturate OD, but this probably wasn't an OD. I called one of my 4th year friends and reassessed. Keep an eye on him. I chalked up his stupidity to his being 18 and as druggie from a family of druggies. What's your excuse?

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You're SPOT ON on medically. Sleeping 27 hours doesn't heal damage to vital organs. I'd need to see all sorts of bloods, MRIs, CATs, PETs, etc (and I'd need neurologist and toxicologist backup) to determine how much damage this guy has done in six years. I'm glad you got yourself straight. I commend you, because methamphetamine really is the Devil's Drug. There's NOTHING I can prescribe (including Rx methamphetamineDesoxyn, which Abbott is refusing to distribute) that's nearly as toxic or deadly. You learned in the University of Real Life; I learned in the University of the ER. Yes, I'd live with a methamphetamine addict using other meds to get off methamphetamine. I've actually done that and got s*** for it until I became a "prominent" shrink with a good position and a better rep.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Could any of these prescriptions i take make me positive for methamphetamine on a U/A?

Klonopin, effexor, gabapentin, nexium, estradiol trileptal, latitude, clonidine, trazodone

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I should hope the he'll so!! What the f*** is wrong with you? Methamphetamine is the most vile, and toxic Chem you can ingest! I did 10yr prison term for manufacturing REA, a fairly clean type of methamphetamine, but still has all the junk that kills u. Methamphetamine isn't really the same anymore, (thank God) and manufacturers are only halfway completing the process and skipping the ingredients that make the old school methamphetamine. Mostly you get souped up ephedrine that's been processed and shared up. It still works, but doesn't take over your mind body and soul like the real thing. Just put down the methamphetamine my friend, I can't honestly answer your question, but it made me sad to see such a horrible drug be taken so lightly. Half the the time your getting a different type than prior uses and each one of those Lil bags are packed with different chems than the last. Anhydrous Amonio, Lye, Murat tic acid, red phosphorus, Nasty iodine crystals, it is all lethal stuff. Don't mix with anything but maybe alcohol or opiates, just to help come off methamphetamine.

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