Missing Adderall Xr Doses For 2 Days (Top voted first)


I can't get my Adderall XR refill for 2 days. I take it as prescribed once per day. I didn't realize the script I had on hand was from over a month ago. Will I have a problem missing Sat and Sunday doses until I can get ahold of my doctor?

2 Replies

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I don't want to seem alarmist or cause you to worry, but it is possible that you may start to experience mild withdrawal symptoms if you are going for 2+ days without your usual dose. One good thing you have going for you is the fact that you are taking it once per day as prescribed, so it's not like you've been dosing your body at abnormally high amounts. I found an article about this on WebMD which states:

"Signs of withdrawal usually show up a day or two after you stop taking it. They may last a few days to several weeks -- it's different for everyone ... If you've taken the drug for a long time, your body and brain may have started to depend on it. The more often you took it, the harder it can be to stop."

Possible Adderall withdrawal symptoms are listed as:

- Depression, irritability, or other changes in mood
- A hard time sleeping
- Unusual tiredness (fatigue)
- Nausea
- Stomach aches or cramping
- Vomiting

Again, please try not to worry about this too much. You are not abusing the drug or taking it more than once per day. If you are able to get your refill early next week and start back up on your doses, there is a chance you may not feel much different over the weekend.

Please write back and let me know how you're doing!

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take an ambian and sleep in for the weekend. You will most likely get hungry and feel very thirsty. The extra sleep is usually a good thing.

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