Missed Period And A Negative Pregnancy Test
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My husband and I have been TTC for the last 6 years. No success. In the beginning I had blocked Fallopian tubes. Which I managed to unblock for the last couple of years, and still no success. We kind of ignored the whole thing. Now last time I had my period was 01/04/2016. I took 5 pregnancy tests, & they are all negative. Last one was this morning (03/13/16). I am a regular (26-28 days cycle) and the only time I missed a period, when I was pregnant with my 1st child 12 years ago. I have no symptoms. I do get a discharge here and there. Especially, when I am exercising, it is thick, stringy and brown. I saw my doctor yesterday and she requested a blood test. Btw, on 01/22/16 I had a pap-smear done & on 02/05/16 a transvaginal ultrasound. Which worries me if I am pregnant. Will those tests affect the fetus? (if there is any).
Do you think I am pregnant? Oh, also this last week I felt kind of bigger especially around the waist and hips. Even though nothing changed in my diet and exercise routine. My doctor suggested to take prenatal vitamins, just in case. Can you please help with your feedback? Thanks so much!
4 Replies
Just curious about the outcome. People rarely update on these feeds.
& yes I informed my doctor about the discharge.
Thanks so much for your response!
I am 39yrs. You are right. It's all hormones, I believe. I received my blood test result today from the nurse, since the doctor got called in to the hospital. I read it myself. I have an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. & this is my personal reading: prolactin is high and my HCG is very low which means I am not pregnant
Now, I am very nervous. Considering the fact that I have been googling the causes of high prolactin, etc
No, those tests would not effect the fetus, if you are pregnant. However, given that all the tests have been negative, it's very doubtful that you are.
How old are you? As explained by the NIH, there are various reasons you may start to miss periods, including the natural hormonal changes of aging.
A brown stringy discharge isn't normal, except around the time of your period. Have you informed your doctor about it? That further leads me to suspect that your hormones are off.
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