Mirena Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Mirena forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Mirena and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi,I had a Mirena inserted Oct '11 after being on Primulot -N for several years. I wasn't prescribed it for contraception it was to control bleeding & replace estragen as I'm 59yrs. One week later on my follow-up appt the Gynocologist said that I should've stop taking Primolut -N, I told him that I wasn't told to stop. There was still no change in Nov & my mood swings were getting worse. Dec I had another follow-up appt & a different Gyno saw me.I told him that I'm a nervous wreak & very angry, whats going on? he just kept saying `give it time, it will settle '(refering to the Mirena). My Gyno didnt listen to me when I tried to explain that I felt stressed,angry & depressed. My friend came to visit at Xmas & couldn't believe the ch...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI had the mirena inserted in early February and bled heavily for the first 3 weeks. That has slowed down to a very slight spotting and not really bothersome. But now I'm dealing with this horrible metallic smell. Its so strong I can smell it all throughout the day. I'm taking multiple showers a day. I saw my doctor 10 days ago and mentioned the smell. She said it was just the blood and to douche. Well I have douched 3 times and there is no change in the smell. I've been reading lots of forums and find I'm not alone. I was thinking of trying the rephfresh...... Thoughts on this? My real concern is this, and i have not ben able to find anything on this: I'm wondering if my doctor gave me an infection when she inserted it..... During the procedure, she was havibg troubl...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI currently have an IUD, Mirena, I was just prescribed, Dicloxacillin. I am wondering what are the side effects for these two mixed medications. Does the Dicloxacillin interfere with the IUD? ## In most cases, the reason that antibiotics alter the efficacy of contraceptives is due to their effect on how fast your body absorbs and processes the oral forms. Basically, they can make them run through your digestive system much faster, so less is absorbed and active in the body, which increases your risk of becoming pregnant. Thus, most aren't known to do that with an IUD, since you aren't swallowing and digesting the hormone, instead its being absorbed right into your uterus. However, for added peace of mind, I'd still suggest using a backup method of contraception, just to be o...
1 REPLY Updatedhas anyone had one for more than 5 years? I have had mine for 6 years. I still have no period but this month I started cramping... I know that it says it's not effective after 5 years but I figured if I was not having a period then it must be working... ## I had Mirena coil for six years. Agree with your reasoning about how it must still be effective if still not bleeding (unless you're now menopausal?), but, I believe in the wisdom of the body so if suddenly you're cramping, and it's meant to be replaced after 5 yrs, I'd just get it done. I had began to spot-stain tiny bit; also premenstrual aches last 3 mónths. It was not uncomfortable to have it removed, and I had a new one put in straight away. ## Just to add some information for anyone else reading this... ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI just wanted to share my experience with Mirena. I had extremely heavy/painful periods my entire life. I would find a pill that helped, and over time I would experience side effects and try another one. Eventually, I tried Seasonique, but I simply got three months of period pain rolled into one. So, on the advice of my doc, I tried Mirena. For the first week, if I could have reached the strings, I would have pulled it out myself. The pain was far worse than I expected. My doctor told me to try hanging in for at least a month, because she was sure it would get better. And it did. I spotted on and off, but otherwise felt back to normal. And then I got my period. The first day, the cramps were almost as bad as before, and I was very discouraged. Then, I realized they weren't getting w...
1 REPLY UpdatedI got mirena iud taken out on a Wednesday, immediately started loestrin 24 that night. My and my bf had sex that friday and also started light (breakthrough ) bleeding that day also. so I was on birth control for 3 days by then. Am I at risk of getting pregnant? I also forgot to take my pill yesterday. Not sure if that makes a difference. I'm desperate, does anybody have any answers? ## Hi Nicole, From what I've read, most oral contraceptives can take anywhere from a week to a month to be fully built up in your system and work as indicated. Due to this time frame, in my opinion I think you're at greater risk for getting pregnant. If you're really concerned that you may in fact be pregnant, I would strongly suggest getting it checked out immediately so you can determine i...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI'm looking for doctors in the Tampa Bay area that will order and bill for the Mirena IUD. Any reccommendations will be greatly appreciated. ## Did you ever find someone? Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing what IUD, if any, that any doctor will prefer, nor how they handle insurance coverage.
1 REPLY Updated