Mircette Forums
Recently active Mircette forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Mircette and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.can you please let me know how long it takes before femilon becomes effective ss ## Femilon is another generic birth control tablet, you often see it listed under the name Mircette. Most of these need to be taken for at least a week to be effective, however, many doctors also recommend you take it for the first month, using additional protection to help prevent pregnancy, just to be absolutely certain it is in your system and protecting you from pregnancy. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## hi..we are married couple.i have done sex with my wife on 16 august 2011 & today is 22nd august-2011. i did that without condom, but we are not in plan for any baby for next two years, even my wife have not taken any medicine till yet. kindly suggest us that how can we stop pragnancy.
round ,blue pill 022 ## I found a little round blue pill imprinted with 022. Does anyone know what it is?? ## I found the same thing. I'm hesitant to post what I GUESS it might be. if anyone else knows for sure, that would be better! ## I found out for sure. It's the half dose pill in a pack of Mircette/Kariva birth control pills. cool. I knew it looked super familiar, thank goodness I just started that part of my pack! haha!