Mibelas 24 Fe, First Time Taking Birth Control
UpdatedI am 26 years old and I've never taken birth control. My husband and I have always used condoms. I was prescribed this birthcontrol but am worried due to the lack of reviews. I am hoping someone has had some sort of experience they can share. I'm hoping this brand of birth control doesn't cause too many problems and scare me away from birth control all together. Any info/experience would be greatly appreciated! #supportyourlocalgirlclub
10 Replies
I wouldn't recommend this birth control. I was on the former version of Minastrin for years but was just forced to switch to Mibelas since it is cheaper for my insurance. The switch was terrible. I'm having symptoms I never had before like depression and acne. I'd stay away.
According to FDA reports, oral contraceptives can cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, weight gain, and mood changes.
The key issue is to make sure that it contains the same ingredients, in the same amounts as the prior one you were taking, Jenny.
EvB, have you started taking it, yet?
@ Verwon, yes I started taking it April 16th, so I've only been on it a few days. So far, I can't really tell if I'm having any side effects. I'm really hoping I don't get any negative symptoms and this works for me.
Do not take this!! Like every other review I have read I was also on minastrin 24 fe for years then out of nowhere I am switched to this generic garbage. I haven't felt this moody since I was a teenager and I'm 27. I'm talking really bad mood swings and depression. I thought it was just me until I looked up reviews and saw other people having the same side effects. I'm stoping this pill immediately!
I've only taken Mibelas 24 Fe and I'm on my second cycle of the pills, and i just want to know if they work?
I'm on my third pack of mibelas 24 Fe, and so far so good. No bad side effects. I'm really liking it and hope it continues to do "its job"
I did not want to switch my pharmacist literally gave me the generic without informing me! It wasn't until I got home later that day that I realized that it was different. I called and complained and 1st I got the excuse that the pharmacy hadn't been receiving any and then eventual I was told that maybe my insurance didn't cover it ( this is a cvs pharmacy tech guessing). Long story short I've been on mibelas for 2 months and hate it. I've been getting acne- annoying but I can get over that. Random itchy skin specifically my ankles, feet, random areas of the body itch ( I do not suffer from allergies. Extra moody/ emotional. The worst part currently is the migraines- I can not deal with this.my headaches are killing me- I can barely move my head or let out a cough without feeling this headache. Randomly googling I find out they recalled some packages and mine is part of the recall. I was never contacted by my pharmacy- guess I'll be switching to another pharmacy again
I just started this, too. How are you periods on this? Do they come during the inactive pills and how long do they usually last?
@EAE yes, my period comes once I take the sugar pills. They're lighter than before. Usually last 3 days. Also, not nearly as many cramps as before, so that's a plus. I'm pretty happy with this pill so far.
Just an update since I started this thread.
Ive been taking this birth control since April, it is now September and I've had no issues. The pill is doing its job as I am NOT pregnant. No weird sypmtoms, no weight gain, no acne. This is the only birth control I've ever been on and I am very pleased with it so far.
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